Study Guide: The Sanctified Life

By: Ellen G. White

Study Guide Index

Chapter 1

True and False Theories Contrasted

1. How many characteristics of false sanctification can you find on pages 7-11?


2. How many characteristics of true sanctification can you find in the same pages?


3. If we are really seeking to perfect Christian character, what thought will we never indulge? (7)


4. The nearer we approach to Christ's divine image, what will be the effect on our feelings? (7)


5. "The pure ___________________ sanctifies the ___________________." (9)


6. What are the daily fruits of those truly connected with God? (11)


7. What will happen to the church when trials and perplexities come upon it? (12)


8. How does the healthy man witness to his condition? (13)


9. How is a truly righteous man described? (13)


10. Why did the Jewish religious leaders reject Christ? (14)


11. How did Samuel, Joshua, and Paul demonstrate the grace of meekness? (15)


12. Contrast inward and outward adorning (16)


13. According to the apostle John, what is the highest dignity humanity can be raised to? (16, 17)


Chapter 2

Daniel's Temperance Principles

1. For today: Why is Daniel's life record left for our study? (18)


2. What circumstances would be against Daniel refusing to drink wine or eat unclean meats? (18, 19)


3. Can you think of others who stood up against kings in the Bible and risked their lives or position?


4. Some obey God's laws for wrong reasons, and some reject His laws for wrong reasons. What are these? (20)





5. For today: What lessons for youth are found in the story of Daniel? (20)


6. What kept Daniel from departing from his temperate habits? (21)


7. Why do you think Daniel was able to get Melzar to allow him to test the diet for ten days? (21)


8. In what three ways were Daniel and his companions superior to the others after the ten-day test? (22)


9. How important was it to Daniel and his companions not to make a single departure from principle? (23)


10. What was Daniel taught by man?


What was he taught by God?


Chapter 3

Controlling the Appetites and Passions

1. What is the broader or larger meaning of Peter's warning: "Abstain from fleshly lusts"? (25)


2. "It is ___________________ for any to enjoy the blessing of sanctification while they are ___________________ and ___________________." (25)

3. In what several ways did Israel in the time of Malachi depart from instructions to bring a perfect offering? (27)


4. For today: How does the ancient provision for a perfect sacrifice apply today? (27, 28)


5. The Lord gave counsel on the harmful effects of tobacco, tea, and coffee, in the first health vision. What year was it? See Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 495. (28)


6. In what several ways do wrong physical habits affect our spiritual life?


7. The incense of tobacco is presented on whose altar? (31)


8. What are the harmful effects of




9. What are the specific effects of stimulants on the body? (33)


Chapter 4

The Fiery Furnace

1. Why did God make Nebuchadnezzar forget the details of his dream? (34)


2. Nebuchadnezzar accused the magicians, astrologers, and sorcerers of seeking time to come up with an answer to his dream. See Daniel 2:8.

What did Daniel ask for?

What was the difference? (35)

3. Daniel and his three companions asked God for the dream and its interpretation. Why were they able to do this? (35)


4. What opportunity did the knowledge God gave to Daniel afford him as he came before the king the second time? What did he do instead? (35, 36)


5. For today: What can we learn about astrologers in this story? (36)


6. How did the king's image differ from what he saw in the dream? What is the significance of this? (36)


7. What lesson can we learn from the fact that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had to meet a test without Daniel? (37)


8. Why do you think the king gave the three men a second chance to bow before the image?


9. How was the king able to identify the fourth Person in the furnace? (38)


10. What two questions will not be asked by those who possess genuine sanctification? (39)


11. For today: What lessons can we get from the experience of the three Hebrew youths? (40, 41)


Chapters 5 and 6

Daniel in the Lions' Den and His Prayers

1. What did Daniel do that was better than boasting of his sanctification? (42)


2. The better Daniel was, the more his enemies hated him. Why? (43)


3. What methods did Daniel's enemies use to get a decree against Daniel from Darius? (43)


4. Why would it have been wrong for Daniel to pray in secret after the decree was passed? (44)


5. What gentle rebuke did Daniel give Darius when he was brought up out of the lions' den unharmed? (45)


6. In his prayer, how did Daniel identify himself with God's chosen people who had sinned? (46)


7. Can you think of other leaders in the Bible who did the same? (See Exodus 32 and Nehemiah 1)


8. The description of Christ given to Daniel was similar to that given to what New Testament apostle? (49)


9. How were the circumstances of Daniel's vision similar to the vision given to Saul at Damascus? (50) See Acts 9:3-8.


10. What will a clear view of the greatness, glory, and perfection of Christ do for us? (50)


11. Note the physical phenomena in connection with Daniel's vision of chapter 10--no breath and extra strength. What is the more modern manifestation of these?


Chapter 7

The Character of John


1. How is the personal relationship of Jesus with John stated? (53)


2. What special evidences of confidence in John did Jesus give? (53)


3. How did John demonstrate that his religion was practical? (54)


4. What were some of John's natural defects of character? (54)


5. "The depth and fervor of John's ___________________ for his Master was not the___________________ of Christ's love for him, but the ___________________ of that love." (54)

6. Our religion should make us "___________________ men and ___________________ women in all the relations of ___________________." (55)


7. For today: When we are contending as to who is the greatest, what can we learn from Jesus' lesson on humility? (55, 56) See Mark 9:33-37.


8. How did Jesus on three other occasions give John a lesson in humility? (56, 57, 59) See Mark 9:38-40; 10:35-40; and Luke 9:51-56.


9. John and Judas were both students of Christ. How did each react differently to what He taught them? (59, 60)



Judas (See also The Desire of Ages, pages 716-722 for more. )


10. John and Judas represent the Christian world. Contrast the two classes. (60)


Chapter 8

The Ministry of John

1. Contrast John's early training with his training under Christ. (61)


2. After his training under Christ, how can his ministry be described? (61)


3. What were some of the perils of the early church? (62)


4. What was John's favorite theme? (62)


5. What conditions did John see among the Jewish brethren that were destroying their hopes of everlasting life? (63)


6. What were some of the poisonous errors that were creeping into the church? (63)


7. For today: What are some of the present-day evils that threaten the prosperity of the church? (64, 65)


8. What message today is consistent with true charity? (65)


9. What is wrong with the reasoning of the lady in New Hampshire? (66, 67)


10. Who told her she could break God's law and be sinless? (67) Where did this lie originate?


11. "The epistles of John ___________________ a spirit of ___________________." (68)

But what strong language does he use to describe those who break God's law and yet claim to live without sin? (69)



Chapter 9

John in Exile

1. What power did the enemies of Christ finally enlist to oppose Christians? (70)


2. What distinction did John have among the disciples? (70, 71)


3. What effect did John's powerful witness have on the Roman authorities? (71)


4. John was banished to Patmos, for his witness in what two areas? (71)


5. What lessons did John gain from nature in his early years? By contrast, what did he learn on Patmos? (72, 73)


6. What particular lessons did he learn from the sea? (73)


7. What did the rocks on Patmos remind him of? (74,75)


8. What amazed John about the plan of salvation? (75)


9. "It is for the best ___________________ of men, even in this ___________________, to ___________________ God's ___________________." (76)

10. Note illustrations from the natural world of obedience to the Creator's law. (76)


11. How is mankind different from all the rest of creation? (76)


12. How does John describe the appearance of Christ in Revelation 1? (77, 78)

Note: This description has been reproduced in a painting at the White Estate offices at the General Conference.


13. How can John's teaching for Christians be summarized? (79)



Chapter 10

Christian Character

1. What shows the character of the Christian? (80)


2. How is that life best demonstrated? (80)


3. How does a child show love to his parents? (81)


4. How do some who profess to be children of God sometimes act? (81)


5. What does it mean to love one another as Christ has loved us? (82)


6. For today: How can we wear the yoke of Christ and yet find it easy? (82)


7. How can we avoid depending on the experience of others? (83)


8. It is not only our ___________________ but our ___________________ to maintain a close union with Christ. (83)


9. "The prophets and apostles did not perfect Christian character by a ___________________."

How did they do it? (84)


10. "___________________ is the sure ___________________ of Christian ___________________." (85)

11. What does the apostle Paul tell us to do about the past? The future? (86) See Phil 3:7-14.


12. Meditate on the four passages of Scripture from the apostle Paul. (86-88)

1 Thessalonians 4:2, 3

Phil. 2:12-15

Titus 3:1-8

Col. 3:12-17

Chapter 11

The Christian's Privilege

1. Why are many who seek for holiness perplexed and discouraged? (89)


2. "We are not to ___________________ in our ___________________, but in the ___________________ of God." (89)

3. On what basis can we calmly rest in the promises of God? (89)


4. What is the secret of trusting God in the darkness as well as the light? (90)


5. What can be a powerful stimulus and support in fighting the battles of the Lord? (91)


6. Instead of being attracted only by what we see and hear, we must use the eye of ___________________. (92)

7. The willful commission of a known sin does what to us? (92)


8. What daily need demonstrates our need for daily prayer? (93)


9. "___________________ must be made the great ___________________ of life." (93)

10. List the successive steps in sanctification given by Peter. (94)


11. If we work on the plan of ___________________ in obtaining the Christian graces, God will work upon the plan of ___________________. (95)

12. Review Paul's words from prison that describe the results of sanctification. (96) See 2 Timothy 4:6-8.

Study Guide Index