Study Guide: Child Guidance

Ellen G. White

Study Guide Index



As marriage unites two hearts and lives in love, and a new home is created, an early concern of its founders is that the children which grace this new home shall be properly reared. The question of Manoah of old, "how shall we order the child?" is thoughtfully pondered by parents today as they look into the face of the precious and helpless gift entrusted to their care.

The significance of instruction on child guidance is best understood as we note the important place it takes in the word of god and the frequent and detailed references to the subject in the spirit of prophecy writings. In her several books, but more particularly in the articles on practical Christian living which appeared from week to week in the various journals of the denomination, Mrs. White set forth a wealth of counsel to parents. In addition to this, she addressed to various families hundreds of personal testimonies in which she dealt specifically with the problems they faced. In these articles and personal testimonies she described the principles which should guide parents, and the procedures they should follow as they were kept before her in vision.

In her later years Mrs. White expressed a desire to bring out a book for Christian parents that would make clear "the mother's duty and influence over her children." in the recently issued the Adventist home and this companion work, that desire is now fulfilled. Only the thoughtful and prayerful perusal of the significant counsels of this volume can reveal the tremendous and far-reaching influence of training the child properly as god has placed the responsibility with parents.

The fact that Ellen White was the mother of four enabled her to set forth in an understanding and sympathetic manner the instruction imparted to her. Her experience in the practical application of the principles she has set before others begets confidence in the heart of the reader.

All the E. G. White sources, published and unpublished, have been drawn upon in preparing child guidance. Full source credits appear at the close of each chapter. Because the content of this volume has been brought together from a number of sources written over a period of seventy years, there occasionally occurs an unavoidable break in thought and manner of address as the several statements are linked together in their natural subject sequence. The compilers were limited in their work to the selecting and arranging of the various statements and to the supplying of headings.

Child guidance was prepared under the direction of the board of trustees of the Ellen G. White publications in their offices in Washington, D.C. The work was done in harmony with Mrs. White's instruction to her trustees that they should provide for the printing of compilations from her manuscript and published sources.

The need for this volume is great. Eternal interests are at stake. The detailed counsels on discipline, character building, and physical and spiritual education will be treasured by every thoughtful parent. That this volume, standing by the side of the Adventist Home, Messages to Young People, and other of the E. G. White books of counsel to parents and youth, may serve to guide fathers and mothers in their most important work is the sincere wish of the publishers and the

The Trustees of the
Ellen G. White Estate.

What is it?

The study guide is a set of simple guide sheets prepared under the direction of the Ellen G. White Estate and the General Conference Department of Education to assist the reader in the study of the book Child Guidance. This volume by Mrs. White consists of nineteen sections, as does the matching study guide.

Each of the nineteen guide sheets consists of (1) page assignments for reading Child Guidance; (2) a "check your knowledge" review; (3) a self-rating department; (4) questions for group or family discussions, if desired; (5) questions for personal meditation and reflection; and (6) an answer sheet to each guide.

The answer sheet is provided for checking purposes, thus enabling the reader to be both student and teacher. The reader corrects his own quiz sheet. Each student is encouraged, however, to read the assignment carefully and to complete the guide sheet before referring to the answers.

This simple method of approach should prove to be an interesting and profitable way to study Child Guidance.

Who may use it?

The guide sheets may be used by individual adults, by husband and wife, by prospective homemakers in the college classroom, by teenagers in our academies, by church study groups, and by other groups organized for study purposes.

May God help every student who uses these guide sheets to a better understanding of the principles of successful parenthood, homemaking, and child guidance.

The companion book, The Adventist Home, also by Ellen White, is recommended to all parents and prospective parents and college students interested in child psychology.


The Board of Trustees

Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter


Section I Date ________

A. Read pages 13-28.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Where is the child's first school located? (17:1)*

*The number before the colon is the page of Child Guidance
on which the answer is found; the number following the colon
gives the paragraph.

2. Who are to be his first teachers? (17:1)

3. What important lifelong lessons is the child to learn above all others? (17:1)





4. For what is the home a training school? (17:3)



5. Complete: "Teach your children to be _______________________ and _______________________." (17:3)

6. If parents neglect this home training, they neglect a ______________________ duty. (18:3)

7. On whose work do schoolteachers build? (19:2)



8. When should parents begin preparation for the training of their children? (21:2)



9. What dual purpose should be the objective of this parental training? (21:3)



10. What two things are parents to seek to secure for their children? (22:0)



11. What prayer are we to offer for our children? (22:2)


12. Complete: "God cannot keep children from evil if the _______________________ do not cooperate with Him." (22:2)

13. Why did John the Baptist's parents move to the country? (23:1)



14. What is the most sacred work of parents? (23:3)


15. Complete: "You are to _______________________ your little ones to know _______________________." (23:4)

16. What disciplinary training does Christ want children to receive at home? (24:0)




17. What terrible accusation is laid against careless parents? (24:1)



18. Complete:

a. "They [parents] are to be very _______________________ and very _______________________ in their speech." (24:2)

b. "They are to be _______________________ and _______________________ to each other." (24:2)

c. They are "to bring into the home a _______________________, wholesome _______________________." (24:2)

d. "They [parents] should not _______________________ in the presence of their children." (24:2)

19. Why is the mother, of necessity, the special instructor of her children? (24:3)



20. How can parents best teach respect and obedience? (24:4)



21. What will never pass inspection in the judgment? (25:1)



22. As soon as a child can form an idea, what is to begin? (26:2)



23. What can a child learn from its parents even before its reason fully develops? (27:0)



24. When only are parents prepared to be the teachers of their children? (27:1)



25. Why is proper habit formation vital in infancy and early childhood? (27:3)



26. Why should the firstborn child be trained with the greatest of care? (27:4)



C. Rate your home as a school: Excellent____ Good____ Poor____ Bad____

1. Where does it rate the highest?

2. Where does it rate the lowest?

D. Discuss with others:*

1. Name two ways light has been shining "so that none need err in regard to their duty." (13:2)

2. What is true education? (Book learning? Technical? Professional? Character?)

3. Why is the "school in the home" so important to the child? (17:1)

4. What four subjects are to be taught in this developing process? (17:1)

5. Why should parents know about physiology, anatomy, and the laws of health?

6. When can parents say, "My educating days are over"?

7. Why cannot parents wait and leave child training to schoolteachers?

8. Why such emphasis on careful training of our firstborn? (27:4)

9. How do the principles laid down in this lesson fit with Proverbs 22:6?


*Others means your companion, other relatives, neighbors, church members, or the Home and School study group.

E. Think on these things:

1. Will it be my privilege to have the gate of heaven thrown open to me and my children? (13:1)

2. If so, what have I done for my children? (13:1)

3. If the gate is closed and a hand raised to keep me from entering, what will the voice say I have neglected? (13:1)

4. Will God accept church activities or offerings as a substitute for neglecting my own children?

5. How can I answer the questions on page 25, paragraph 2?

6. How nearly am I as a father measuring up to the pattern laid down for me?

7. Am I as a mother fulfilling my greatest mission in life--to my children?

F. Name one way I as the (husband, wife, son, daughter) can make my home today a better school.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section II Date ________

A. Read pages 31-60.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Complete: "Prepare the way for your child to _______________________ your _______________________." (31:1)

2. Who will educate your children if you do not? (31:1)


3. Complete: "A _______________________ tends to quiet the _______________________ of the little one." (32:1)

4. Why should parents study, test, compare others' methods with their own? (32:2)



5. What three things is every mother to do with her children? (33:4)




6. Children should be first taught from what book? (34:1)



7. Complete: "There is _______________________ and _______________________ for him in the study of nature." (34:4)

8. Complete: "Too much talk will lead them [children] to _______________________ even _______________________ instruction." (35:0)

9. Where are children to be taught to find evidences of God's care for us and of His interest in our welfare and happiness? (35:1)



10. By giving children something to do with hands and minds we advance them in _______________________. (36:0)

11. Complete: "As soon as strength and _______________________ power are sufficiently developed, he [the child] should be given _______________________ to _______________________ in the home." (36:1)

12. What four things are children to be taught not to do? (37:3)





13. Why are children often bold, forward, and impertinent? (38:0)



14. Complete: "The child must be taught to _______________________ himself. The _______________________ must be trained to _______________________ the dictates of _______________________ and _______________________." (39:2)

15. What is to be made the rule of life in child training? (41:1)



16. What is to be made a pleasant theme in the family circle? (42:1)



17. What will banish fear in a timid child? (42:2)



18. Complete: "The book of nature . . . afforded an exhaustless _______________________ of instruction and _______________________." (45:4)

19. Besides revealing God, of what does the book of nature constantly warn us? (46:1)



20. In what may children be taught to see Christ? (46:4, 47:0)



21. What should be the schoolroom for little children? (48:1)



22. How and where are little children to be free to play? (48:3)



23. What will the study of nature do for the mind? (49:2)



24. What are we to discern in God's created works? (54:1)



25. From the ant and the bee we may learn a lesson of _______________________. (59:1, 2)

C. Rate your methods of teaching: Excellent____ Good____ Fair____ Poor____

1. My most effective method is


2. My least effective method is


D. Discuss with others:

1. What is meant by "Prepare the way for your child to obey your commands cheerfully"? (31:1)

2. Discuss how to educate for the "restful spirit" and "loving heart" development. (31:2)

3. How does the fretful, impatient mother, nurse, or babysitter affect the child? (32:1)

4. How are we to teach little children to do independent thinking? (35:1)

5. How early in life shall children be taught to work? (36:1)

6. What does the performance of everyday duties have to do with character development? (37:1)

7. Why is special care needed in training talented children? (37:3)

8. Discuss the matter of praising children, showing them off, flattering them. (37:4, 38:0)

9. How are God's two books (nature and the Bible) related in child training?

10. Discuss: Seeing God in nature (beware of pantheism). Seeing God's footprints.

11. Discuss the mental, physical, moral, and spiritual benefits of nature study.

12. Rightly understood, "the world is a lesson book, life a school." (55:3)

E. Think on these things:

1. Do I prepare the way for my child to obey cheerfully?

2. How much time do I allow Satan to teach my child?

3. Do I talk too much?

4. Do I have the two attributes of kindliness and affection that are to attend the teaching of my child? (33:1)

5. Why should I never scold my child? (33:3)

6. What spirit must pervade my home if it is to develop in my child? (36:1)

7. On what day of the week should I especially behold God in nature? (55:1)

8. Do the beauties of nature remind me of my heavenly home?

F. Name one lesson I have learned from the book of nature today.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section III Date ________

A. Read pages 63-76.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Complete: Above every other teacher, the mother should be _______________________ to use her training opportunities the best _______________________. (63:1)

2. Whose influence in education is most potent and far-reaching? (63:1)


3. Of what three things are some parents ignorant? (63:2)




4. For what two persons is thorough preparation for child training most urgent? (63:3)



5. Before marriage, with what subjects should men and women acquaint themselves? (63:3, 64:0)



6. When only will education accomplish its goal? (64:1)



7. Complete: "To assume the responsibilities _______________________ without such a preparation is a _______________________." (64:2)

8. For what must parents give account? (64:4)


9. From what can there be no "sinless swerving"? (66:1)


10. What law must always be on parents' lips? (66)


11. What will our children grow up to do when we make God's will ours? (66:3)


12. Complete: "Parents should now do everything in their power to _______________________ their _______________________ and place their children where they will be under the very best influence." (66:4, 67:0)

13. What will we incur if we trifle with the training of our children? (67:2)



14. Complete: "Every woman should develop a well-balanced _______________________ and _______________________ character." (67:5)

15. What are we diligently to guard? _______________________ Overcome what? _______________________ (68:1)

16. What are we now to do if we thus far have been wrong in our child training? (69:2)



17. Of what three things is this our day? (69:4)




18. What does service to self and to the world do to mothers? (71:1)



19. Complete: "Parents have not yet aroused to understand the _______________________ of Christian culture." (72:4)

20. To escape household drudgery, what must a mother do? (73:4)





21. Complete: "You need the _______________________, the _______________________, the _______________________, the cultivation of the _______________________, that this life brings." (74:3)

22. When does Satan sow the seeds of death in the hearts of our children? (75:2)



23. Is it the business of others how we train our children? (75:3)



24. For what purpose are parents to meet together? (75:4)



25. What will scolding and threats never obtain? (76:1)



C. Rate yourself as a teacher: Excellent____ Good____ Fair____ Poor____

1. The training that helped me most was


2. The training I need the most is


D. Discuss with others:

1. How do preparation requirements for teachers compare with those of parents?

2. How long will education fail to succeed? (64:1)

3. Why is it a sin to become parents without proper training for it?

4. Discuss "faith and works" in the home life.

5. Why is the Bible so vital a guide in our parental guidance?

6. What is meant by "home missionaries"? (69:3)

7. How can children be under the Holy Spirit's guidance every day? (70:0)

8. Discuss "mothers," as described on page 71.

9. Discuss "parental training" with relation to "child training." (74, 75)

10. Why is it the business of others how we rear our own children? (75:2, 3)

11. Why have parent-education discussion meetings? (75, 76)

12. Discuss scolding, nagging, "bawling out" of children.

E. Think on these things:

1. Am I qualified to be a parent?

2. How can I qualify?

3. What will become of my child if I do not?

4. What will become of me?

5. What should be a mother's highest aim? (68:3)

6. Of what am I especially to feel my need? (69:1)

7. Who has a greater work to do than do kings? (71:2)

8. How can the gospel be brought into my home life? (73:0)

9. Are the evenings in my home "pleasant social seasons"?

F. Name one lesson I as (the husband, wife, son, daughter) have taught some member of my family today that God could approve.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section IV Date ________

A. Read pages 79-88.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Complete: "It is a higher branch of _______________________ to teach children _______________________." (79:1)

2. What will prompt and continual obedience do for children? (79:3)



3. If the family is to be happy, what must be revered in homes? (79:4)



4. How does God feel about disobedience and transgression? (80:1)



5. What would God do to the earth were it not for commandment-keeping people? (80:2)



6. Between what are children to be taught to distinguish? (81:0)



7. Complete: "The way to be treated as righteous for Christ's sake is to _______________________ the law." (81:1)

8. From infancy what three things are children to be taught? (82:3)




9. Complete: "Before he is old enough to _______________________, he may be taught to obey." (82:4)

10. What kind of language can children be taught to obey? (82:7)



11. Of what must the child be assured in your firm discipline? (83:0)



12. What three things must never have their course in the first three years of life? (83:0)




13. Complete: "The future well-being of the child requires _______________________, _______________________, but _______________________ discipline." (83:1)

14. In respecting parents whom else do children respect? (83:2)



15. What parents and children will be welcomed into mansions above? (84:2)



16. How only can children learn successfully the lesson of obedience? (85:1)



17. Complete: "Children should be taught from infancy to _______________________ obey their _______________________." (85:2)

18. To what point must children be brought? (85:4)



19. What lies at the door of parents who permit disobedience? (85:4)



20. Complete: "Parents are to teach their children _______________________ without _______________________ or _______________________." (86:2)

21. Why are children to be reasoned with on obedience? (86:4, 87:0)



22. Complete: "They must learn to _______________________ wrong with a _______________________ hand, yet without _______________________ or _______________________." (87:3)

23. When you permit disobedience, what are you permitting the devil to do? (88:0)



24. Who, as well as children, are benefited by well-ordered homes? (88:1)



C. Rate yourself on how you obey God: Joyfully ____ Submissively ____ Sorrowfully ____ Resentfully ____

1. In what do I enjoy obeying God most?


2. In what do I enjoy obeying God least?


D. Discuss with others:

1. In their obedience to God's law there is perfect freedom. (79:3)

2. What must never go unrebuked? (83:1)

3. What effect has childhood training on adult character? (85:3)

4. How do firmness and harshness contrast (in discipline)?

5. Why are the first three years of training so vital?

6. What about demanding obedience versus breaking a child's will?

7. Discuss: Disrespect and impudence of children to parents.

E. Think on these things:

1. Do I obey God because I love Him?

2. Do I obey God because it is my duty?

3. Do I obey God because I desire the reward?

4. Do I obey God because I am afraid I will be lost?

5. Why should I teach my child to obey?

6. Can I teach him to obey if I do not love him?

7. Can I claim Psalm 40:8 as my personal testimony?

F. Name my latest victory over disobedience.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section V Date ________

A. Read pages 91-116.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. To what must mothers train their children to yield? (91:2)


2. What is the "veriest cruelty" to a child? (91:3)


3. How much shall we give a child who cries in demand? (92:1)


4. How often may we safely permit a child to manifest anger? (92:2)


5. In what must a child be encouraged? (93:1)


6. What will ruin a child of perverse disposition? (93:3)


7. How do scolding and faultfinding affect a child? (94:2)


8. What two attitudes are to be taught in the home? (97:1)


9. Complete: "They [children] should not be allowed to be careless and _______________________."(97:3)

10. How many disrespectful words may children speak to parents? (98:5)



11. What grace should be cherished carefully? (99:1)



12. What must a child be taught about things in the home? (101:1)



13. Complete: "Children should be taught that they must not _______________________ the property of _______________________." (101:3)

14. Complete: "Let them have a few _______________________, and let these be _______________________ and _______________________." (102:1)

15. If we cooperate with God and obey His laws, what has He promised to do? (103:1)



16. To ensure future happiness what two areas of education must come first in child training? (103:5)



17. When does God check up on lax habits and unsanitary home conditions? (106:1)



18. Are children to be kept indoors constantly, dressed like dolls? (107:4)



19. What is essential to the health, cheerfulness, and vigor of the family? (108:1)



20. What two elements are to be cultivated in our children? (110:1)



21. Why should a child have a room of his own? (111:3)



22. By forming habits of regularity and order, in what four things would children improve? (112:1)





23. To maintain purity, what must be guarded? (114:0)




24. Complete: "Do not allow them to be _______________________ with other _______________________." (114:3)

25. Against what should we erect barriers? (115:1)



C. Rate yourself in self-control: Good ____ Easily disturbed ____ Fair ____Very nervous ____

1. I have good self-control when I


2. I find it hardest when I


D. Discuss with others:

1. Should children be permitted to romp about the house?

2. How shall we deal with tantrums and temper spells in our children?

3. Why must parents have kindly yet firm discipline in the home training?

4. Discuss the impudent child--cause and cure.

5. How shall we deal with destructive tendencies in children?

6. How can children best learn the "cause and effect" in relation to disease?

7. Discuss the impact of home surroundings on the child's character.

8. Can we be too tidy and too clean? (109:3)

9. Discuss: "Correct habits." (110:4)

10. What about the sleeping habits of children? Should they be permitted to sleep with other children?

11. Where do TV, movies, fiction, "funnies," magazines, etc., fit in with training children to be pure in heart?

12. How carefully are we to watch our developing children? Why?

E. Think on these things:

1. What types of music does my child hear? (93:2)

2. What lessons have I learned with my child? (94:3)

3. "It is a sin to speak impatiently and fretfully or to feel angry--even though we do not speak." (95:1)

4. Where does sin lie if my child is disobedient or peevish? (98:2)

5. "Parents and children are to sustain so close a relation to God that the heavenly angels can communicate with them." (99:2)

6. "The boys and girls of the family should feel that they are a part of the home firm." (107:5, 108:0)

7. Is my home clean?

8. Do I take a bath every day?

9. Am I "too dirt conscious" so that no one can be comfortable in the home?

10. Is my home neat?

11. Am I pure in heart?

12. Do I permit my child to spend the night with his friends?

F. Name one way I have shown reverence to God today.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section VI Date ________

A. Read pages 119-136.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. How early in life should the child be given daily tasks to perform? (119:1)



2. Complete: "Give your little _______________________ something to do, and let them have the _______________________ of supposing they help you." (119:3)

3. When should a child be taught to cultivate his God-given faculties? (120:0)



4. If children are not taught to be industrious, what will Satan make of their minds? (120:1)



5. Complete: Children "should be taught that _______________________ are _______________________." (120:2)

6. At what age is a child to learn he is to share life's burdens? (120:3) _______________________

7. As we go about our work, what attitude will link us with angels? (121:1) _______________________

8. Complete: "One of the surest safeguards of the young is useful _______________________." (122:1)

9. What is one of the greatest sins parents commit against their children? (122:5)

10. Complete: "If children have proper home _______________________, they will not be found upon the _______________________." (123:1)

11. Complete: Abundance of idleness spoils "_______________________ and _______________________." (123:2)

12. Complete: We are to "regard time as a precious _______________________, a _______________________ from God, for which every human being must give an _______________________." (123:2)

13. What can we never recover? (123:4)



14. What two things are not fruits of the Christian tree? (124:2)



15. What is a great curse to the human family? (124:3)



16. Persons who are slow may overcome what habits? (125:2)



17. What is the best discipline a child can have? (126:1)



18. Complete: "Innocent pleasure is never half so satisfying as when it follows _______________________." (127:1)

19. Complete: "Parents should not allow the love of _______________________ to control their _______________________." (128:1)

20. What habits will prove an untold blessing in later life? (129:1)



21. What constitutes the actual discipline of life? (129:3, 130:0)



22. What are we to learn and teach to our children? (131:2)



23. What is an essential part of education? (131:3)



24. How many members of the family should practice self-denial? (132:2)



25. How early in life are children to be taught self-denial? (132:3)



26. How are children to be taught to react toward trials and disappointments? (132:5, 133:0)



27. Complete: "They should be taught to subdue the hasty _______________________, to withhold the _______________________ word, to manifest _______________________ kindness, _______________________, and _______________________." (133:2)

28. What three habits are better for both parents and children than a rich dowry? (134:1)



29. Who are to be taught to support God's work now? (134:2)



30. Complete: "Do not . . . absorb means in embellishing your _______________________; for it is God's _______________________, and it will be _______________________ you again." (134:3)

31. What should never be thrown away? (135:4)



32. How are children to be taught the right use of money? (136:1)



33. Complete: "Let children be taught to keep an _______________________." (136:3)

C. Rate yourself as a worker: Diligent_____ Regular_____ Slave driver_____ Lazy_____

1. My best qualification as a worker is


2. I need to improve in


D. Discuss with others:

1. Why should children be taught to work at home early in life?

2. Illustrate: Make your children a part of the family firm.

3. How can work be made a pleasure to our children and to us?

4. Discuss the "untold value in industry" in child training.

5. Why is ignorance (in knowing how to work) not acceptable to God?

6. How can we "barricade our children" with principle in work habits?

7. What effect does work have on nerves, body organs, and muscles?

8. How can we best organize a day's work program in the home?

9. What is wrong with being slow, dilatory, or lackadaisical?

10. Discuss work as a form of discipline. What relationship?

11. Why is there nobility in work? What has work to do with character building?

12. Can we overwork children in the home? Can work discourage a child?

13. Why should children be trained to work thoroughly and with dispatch?

14. What is wrong with the statement "I don't want my child to have the hard life I have had--to work like I have had to work"?

15. How can we train children that they are not the center of the home life?

16. Discuss: Teaching children to be unselfish.

17. Why should the child be taught to tithe and save for mission giving?

18. Is our indulgence of our children a sign of our love for them?

19. How shall we teach our children to economize? By example? By stinginess?

20. What about teaching children to keep personal accounting records?

21. Why not blame children and scold them when in their work they break things or have accidents? Should they pay for damage done?

E. Think on these things:

1. Do my children enjoy helping me?

2. If not, why not?

3. Do I give each child something to do each day?

4. Do I demand adult perfection?

5. Have I sinned by giving my children nothing to do?

6. Do I keep the fourth commandment, including the ninth verse?

7. Do I waste things because I have money and can buy more?

8. Do I (and my children) keep account of what we spend?

F. Name one thing in this lesson that has helped me to be a better (husband, wife, son, daughter).


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section VII Date ________

A. Read pages 139-158.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Complete: "Children should not be _______________________ into a _______________________ maturity, but as long as possible should retain the freshness and _______________________ of their _______________________ years." (139:1)

2. From what type of excitement should children be free? (139:1)



3. Lest we encourage vanity, what should we not praise in children? (139:3)




4. How do flattery and indulgence affect a child? (140:2)



5. What three things do children need? (141:1)




6. Name two things we should teach our children. (141:4)



7. What must not live in the heart or find room in the home? (143:1)



8. List six things we are to teach our children to be. (143:3)







9. In what are adults to set the example? (143:5)




10. Name three characteristics that are the curse of the age. (144:2)




11. Complete: "Cherish the precious, _______________________ gem of _______________________." (144:4)

12. Complete: The sunshine of love, cheerfulness, and happy contentment promotes "health and vigor of _______________________ and _______________________" (146:2)

13. What will the sober-minded Christian not be? (146:3)





14. What is "the very beauty of holiness"? (147:0)



15. What kind of words are we to educate our children to speak? (147:1)




16. Complete: "It is the duty of God's children to be _______________________." (147:2)

17. Complete: "Let your life be free from _______________________ practices." (150:1)

18. What should parents do all in their power to preserve in their children? (150:3)




19. Of what should parents be models? (151:1)



20. Complete: "If you want your child to be truthful, be _______________________ yourself." (151:3)

21. What may harsh discipline often make children fear to do? (151:4)



22. Why should we love and choose the right? (153:1)



23. How many of life's actions are to be stamped with honesty? (154:3)



24. What should our sympathy for children never foster in them? (157:2)



25. Complete: "Lead the youth to feel that they are trusted, and there are few who will not seek to prove themselves ______________ of the _______________." (158:1)

C. Rate your cheerfulness: Always ____ Usually ____ Seldom ____ Never___

1. I am always cheerful when I


2. I am always depressed when I


D. Discuss with others:

1. What happens when parents attempt to shove their children into the limelight?

2. What relationship has a child's dress to its character development?

3. Discuss: "The Secret of True Charm." (140)

4. Discuss the difference between encouraging and praising a child.

5. Where and how is the cornerstone of courtesy in a child laid?

6. How shall we teach humility and modesty to our children?

7. How important is the home atmosphere in character building?

8. Discuss: "Smile, parents; smile, teachers."

9. How shall we teach children to develop the spirit of thankfulness?

10. Why should children be taught "artless simplicity"? Contrast with "pretense."

11. Explain how to teach children to shun lying, prevarication, deception.

12. Is honesty the "best policy," or is it an ingrained principle of life?

13. Why do some children develop into adult weaklings, mentally and morally?

14. Contrast sympathy and self-pity in child rearing.

15. Discuss trust versus suspicion in relation to dealing with children.

E. Think on these things:

1. Are my children truly charming?

2. How near like paradise is my home?

3. Is our home courteous?

4. Do I smile in the home even though my heart is sad?

5. Do my children have attentive ears and willing feet and hands?

6. Do I consider it my duty to be cheerful?

7. Am I truthful to my children?

8. Am I honest in my dealings?

9. Am I training my children to be self-reliant?

10. Do I encourage my children to have a sense of honor?

F. Name one courteous act I have done today for my family.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section VIII Date ________

A. Read pages 161-190.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. What is the only treasure we can take from this world? (161:1)



2. Of what two things does strength of character consist? (161:4)



3. What other than sanctification "is the work of a lifetime"? (162:2)



4. When may our lives be perfect? (162:3)



5. What is the greatest evidence of Christianity the world can see? (163:1)



6. What creates a habit and forms a character? (164:1)



7. What is our first duty to God and man? (164:2)



8. What will give strength and solidity of character? (165:1)



9. What is the noblest work in which we can engage? (165:2)



10. What is required to keep crooked traits from strengthening? (167:3)



11. Complete: "He knows your infirmities, and works to _______________________, not to destroy." (168:2)

12. Who are to help children form right characters? (169:1)



13. What will prove the ruin of our children? (170:3)


14. How much of the time are we dependent on the Holy Spirit in rightly rearing our children? (172:1)


15. How will God assist parents in child guidance? (172:4)



16. What will God not do? (172:4)



17. What are the elements of Christian character? (173:1)



18. What are parents planting for their own feet in wrong child training? (175:1)



19. Of what two extremes in child rearing must we beware? (175:2)



20. How can mothers nip sin in the bud in child training? (176:2)



21. What negligence does God particularly condemn? (176:4)



22. When are parents the worst enemies of their children? (177:2)



23. When do parents imperil their souls and those of their children? (179:1)



24. How should evil youth be treated? (180:0)



25. What makes children grow up at cross-purposes with the world? (181:1)



26. Complete: "Seeking happiness in the path of _______________________ will bring but misery." (182:0)

27. After what model are innocent babes to be fashioned? (184:1)



28. What are we to build around our children? (185:1)



29. When are children to be subdued? (185:2)



30. How can parents train their children for sound health in later years? (187:1)



C. Rate your character: Strong ____ Uncertain ____ Easily led ____ Weak ____

1. My strongest point is


2. My weakest point is


D. Discuss with others:

1. Discuss: "True character, a quality of the soul." (161:2)

2. What do we mean by "strength of character"?

3. Discuss perfection in development of character. (162:3)

4. What about "characters formed by circumstance"?

5. Why is character study vital to this generation? (169:2)

6. Discuss how to make a transformation in our families.

7. Discuss indulgence versus iron rule.

8. Explain misguided love and sympathy.

9. How can we correct wrong attitudes in our children?

10. What is mental health?

11. Discuss: "High Points." (189:1)

12. Describe the dispositions, morals, and character of children educated for God. (171:2)

E. Think on these things:

1. Do I have self-control?

2. Am I training my child to have self-control?

3. Does my child have a strong will power or won't power?

4. Is my child wearing the "royal robe woven in heaven's loom"?

F. Name one way I am stronger today than I was yesterday.



______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section IX Date ________

A. Read pages 193-220.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Complete: The training of the first _______________________ years outweighs _______________________ the impact of the rest of life in character formation. (193:1)

2. What lessons in life do children seldom forget? (193:5)



3. In what years is discipline most vital to the child? (194:2) _______________________

4. What course of discipline produces the best results? (195:0)



5. In what do parents most generally fail? (195:2)



6. In addition to book knowledge, what are children to learn in their first fifteen years? (195:4)



7. By what means can a mother point her child to his Creator? (197:1)



8. Though children may err, which ones will not go far astray? (198:1)



9. Complete: "It is . . . by a _______________________ acts that habits are established and character _______________________." (199:2)

10. In what years is character generally formed? (199:3)



11. What draws deep lines upon the tender child mind? (199:4)



12. To perfect Christian graces, what kind of efforts are required? (200:2)



13. How may parents and teachers help to establish wrong habits in children? (201:3)



14. What do cute little pranks become as children grow older? (202:1)



15. What power should be acquired while we are young? (202:5)



16. Complete: "In childhood Jesus did the works of an _______________________ child." (204:4)

17. How should we regard the feelings of other members of the family? (205:1)

18. What must be cultivated and impressed on the mind of the child? (205:3)



19. Complete: "That restraint which must be kept upon one would _______________________ out the life of another." (205:4)

20. Complete: Happiness "follows only in the wake of _______________________." (206:2)

21. Complete: "You can train the _______________________ your children much more than you think." (208:2)

22. Complete: "The will is the power of, _______________________, or choice." (209:2)

23. What power (with God's help) lies within each child? (209:3)



24. How are we to fashion and mold the will of the child? (210:1)



25. Complete: "The will should be guided and _______________________, but not _______________________ or _______________________." (210:4)

26. What should we never do to children? (210:5)



27. Children should be taught to move from what two sources? (211:0)



28. Into what should children not be forced? (212:1)



29. What great mistake may parents blindly make? (213:1)



30. Complete: "Be careful that you are not _______________________ to your children." (216:2)

31. What children are in an especially dangerous condition? (218:1, 2)



32. How will children learn gentleness? (218:4)



33. What must not escape our lips? (219:1)



34. What three things have a direct bearing on our children's future? (219:4, 220:0) _______________________, _______________________, and _______________________ of parents.

C. Rate yourself as an example to your children: Excellent___ Good___ Poor___ Bad___

1. I hope my children copy me in


2. I hope my children do not copy me in


D. Discuss with others:

1. Discuss character formation in life's first seven years.

2. Why then must discipline be developed in the first three years?

3. Discuss: Sow good seed before the devil sows tares.

4. Contrast the child training of Napoleon, Hume, Voltaire, Samuel, Joseph.

5. Discuss habit formation--time for, and means of.

6. Why should parents educate their own discriminating powers in child training?

7. Discuss the human will--its development and control.

8. Can we afford to have disciplinary crises in the home training?

9. Why should parents try to stay young in mind and heart?

10. Discuss the importance of self-control in both parent and child.

11. Discuss the tone of the voice in creating home atmosphere.

12. To what extent do formed habits carry over into the next life?

E. Think on these things:

1. What shall it profit me if I gain a good position and neglect my child during his infancy?

2. Should I sacrifice my child to gain an education for myself?

3. Mary could have used more money to make Baby Jesus comfortable, but she gave Him her time and companionship.

4. Am I stimulating the weak traits in my child and repressing the wrong to give my child a healthy mind?

5. How do I handle a stubborn child?

6. What does my child copy from me?

F. Name one desirable habit I have acquired since I became an adult.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section X Date ________

A. Read pages 223-268.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. What is the object of true discipline? (223:1)



2. What is the threefold work of parents? (223:4)



3. In whose hands does the destiny of our children rest? (224:1)



4. What is the price of heaven? (224:4)



5. What right have youth with a sense of honor? (225:4)



6. On what should children be thrown as soon as wisely possible? (226:1)



7. How shall we react to children governing themselves? (228:2)



8. Complete: "The characters formed in this _______________________ will determine the _______________________ destiny." (229:4)

9. At what moment is discipline of a child to begin? (230:1)



10. In what spirit are parents to bend the will of a child? (230:4)



11. Why do some parents reject the Bible plan of discipline? (233:3)



12. Complete: "Repress the _______________________, and _______________________ the good." (234:1)

13. What sin is almost universal? (234:4)



14. Whom will God hold responsible for wayward children? (235:2)



15. Where should disobedience never be tolerated? (236:2)



16. Complete: "He will make no _______________________ for the mismanagement of _______________________." (237:4)

17. How long shall children be subject to parents? (240:2)



18. How are children to be instructed? (244:4)



19. Complete: "Scolding and fretting never _______________________." (246:2)

20. Complete: "Give _______________________ commands, but see that these are _______________________" (247 :3)

21. How shall we deal with neglectful children? (248:2)



22. When only should whipping be used? (250:2)



23. Why should we never shake a child? (252:2)



24. Before disciplining, what two things are parents to do? (252:3)



25. What may every fault and mistake become? (255:3)



26. What is love's twin sister? (258:2)



27. What shall we teach a child about uncorrected faults? (258:3)



28. Complete: "Let them [parents] be _______________________ of censure." (259:1)

29. What children need the most consideration? (260:1)



30. What is the twin sister of justice? (262:3)



31. By what combined influences are children to be ruled? (263:2)



32. What three things are essential to every family? (264:3)




33. Even before their own comfort, of what are parents to think? (268:0)



C. Rate yourself as a disciplinarian: Loving, kind ____ Consistent ____ Unpredictable ____ Cold, severe ____

1. Before any action is taken I always study


2. After the deed is over I usually


D. Discuss with others:

1. The chief objective of discipline.

2. How far shall we go in children's self-government?

3. Why indulgent parents will lose heaven.

4. Commanding our children after us (as did Abraham).

5. How shall we learn the principles of family government?

6. Parental unity in home discipline.

7. Disciplining in anger.

8. Discipline by whipping or shaking children.

9. The place of prayer and reasoning in child discipline.

10. What is one of the greatest curses in any household? (231 :3)

11. Can men who neglect their children's training justify their call to the ministry or to teaching? (232:0)

12. How shall we react to a boy wishing to run away? (241:1).

E. Think on these things:

1. Why do I teach my child to obey--for my convenience or his good?

2. What kind of family do I present to the world?

3. If I find that one method of discipline is not working, do I continue using it, try another, or give up?

4. When father and mother disagree over discipline, what happens to the child?

5. Are my words few or many?

6. Do I see that my commands are carried out?

F. Name one method I have found to be beneficial in my home.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XI Date ________

A. Read pages 271-290.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. What is the key to a child's heart? (271:1)

2. What often makes prodigal sons? (271:2)



3. What will indulgence unsettle for time and eternity? (272:4)



4. For what must parents answer in the judgment? (273:2)



5. Complete: "Parents should not _______________________ lightly over the sins of their children." (273:3)

6. When children have not learned to obey, what will they develop? (274:1)



7. When do we become accessory to a child's sins? (276:1)



8. When indulging children, to whom do we give them? (277:2)



9. When will "fashionable piety" have little value? (278:1)



10. Complete: "Be what you _______________________ your _______________________ to be." (278 :2)

11. Complete: Parents should reason from _______________________ to _______________________ with children. (279:2)

12. What are we to give our children courage to do? (279:3)



13. Complete: "Continual _______________________ bewilders, but does not reform." (281:0)

14. What attitude may a parent's arbitrary course of action stir up? (282:0)



15. What three things are parents not authorized to do? (282:4)




16. What excites impatience in children? (283:1)



17. How often is a child to gain disciplinary advantage over its mother? (283:3)



18. Name two things that cause great harm. (283:4)



19. What kind of parents wreck the happiness of their children? (284:1)



20. What parental attitude may destroy a child's confidence? (285:1)



21. What will parental severity stir up in children? (286:1)



22. In what manner are we never to speak to our children? (286:3)



23. Complete: "It is proverbial that grandparents, as a rule, are _______________________ to bring up their _______________________." (288:1)

24. How often should grandparents or other relatives interfere in family discipline? (288:1)



25. How many times may impertinence be tolerated in a child? (288:2)



26. How far apart is it well for related families to live? (289:2)



27. Why is distance between related families best? (290:1, 2)



C. Rate yourself as a child trainer: Inspire them____ Confuse them____ Encourage them____ Discourage them____

1. I encourage my child most by


2. I discourage my child most by


D. Discuss with others:

1. What will weld the hearts of parents and children together?

2. How are prodigal sons made?

3. Just why is it a sin to indulge children?

4. Taking the word of a child versus the word of an adult Christian.

5. Discuss the heavy burden of the spoiled child as he matures.

6. What are the effects of lax discipline on a child's religious experience?

7. What about relaxing discipline as a child reaches the teens?

8. What about bringing questionable amusements into the home?

9. Discuss the effects of faultfinding by parents on children.

10. What are the natural reactions to harsh discipline?

11. Discuss: Asking (requesting) or ordering children to do things.

12. Discuss: Ridicule and taunting.

13. What about unnecessary restrictions and denial of reasonable privileges?

14. Discuss: Grandparents and discipline of children.

15. How does the ratio of distance and near relatives relate to home happiness?

E. Think on these things:

1. Do I love my child, or am I indifferent to his need of discipline?

2. Am I like Eli or Elisha?

3. Do I encourage disobedience in my child by being indecisive?

4. Am I causing my children to despise religion by my harshness?

5. Do I refuse my child simple pleasures for fear he will do wrong?

6. Do relatives interfere with my discipline?

F. Name one way I have inspired my child today.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XII Date ________

A. Read pages 293-336.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. What two parts of a child does true education develop? (293:1)



2. What is the first great lesson in education? (293:3)



3. Complete: "In God's plan there is no place for _______________________." (294:1)

4. (a) Where was the first school located? (294:2) _______________________

(b) Who was its first teacher? (294:2) _______________________

(c) What was its first textbook? (294:2) _______________________________

5. In educating youth, what should be combined? (295:2)


6. What spirit should true education awaken? (296:1)


7. What science will the highest education teach? (296:4, 297:0)



8. What spirit are our children not to imbibe? (298:1)



9. When is true education completed? (298:4)



10. Where should the first eight to ten years of life be spent? (300:1)



11. In the first six or seven years, what training should be emphasized? (300:3)



12. What are the first habits to be taught a child? (301:1)



13. Complete: "Do not send your little ones to _______________________ too _______________________." (302:1)

14. When children attend school, what kind of instruction are they to receive? (303:2)



15. On what foundation should all education be based? (304:1)



16. Complete: "Christian parents, you must make provision for your children to be _______________________ in _______________________ principles." (305:1)

17. In what way does secular education confuse our children? (305:2)



18. Complete: "Schools should be established if there are no more than _______________________ to attend." (308:3, 309:0)

19. Why should parents sacrifice to create church schools? (309:0)



20. What shall be the character of the work done in our schools? (310:2)



21. What is the relation of the church to its children? (312:2)



22. How is the expense of our schools to be borne? (313:1)



23. What is the church to do for children who cannot pay tuition? (314:1)



24. What is the relationship of our mission giving to our investing in the education of our children? (314:4)




25. To parents who think of sending their children to public schools, what question is asked? (315:1)




26. What united objectives are parents and teachers to have? (318:1)




27. What may make the work of a Christian teacher fruitless? (319:3)



28. Why should parents and teachers counsel together? (322:1)



29. What kind of parents will not criticize the teachers? (325:3, 4)



30. What are our schools to become more and more like? (329:2)



31. How many of our youth are to have the benefits of Christian education? (332:1)



32. Why should children not attend school the year round? (333:1)



33. To whose authority are parents to pledge support? (334:2)



C. Rate yourself as a patron of the school: Strong promoter _____ Cooperate with the school _____ Criticize _____ Do nothing for the school ____

1. My best contribution to the school is


2. My least contribution to the school is


D. Discuss with others:

1. Discuss the meaning of true education and its goal.

2. Why shall our schools not foster rivalry?

3. How are practical and literary training to be combined? Why?

4. Why will true education extend into eternity? Implications?

5. Discuss: "Infancy extends to the age of six or seven years."

6. When should a child first attend school?

7. How does secular education neutralize Bible truth?

8. Why is the church school vital to the education of our children?

9. Discuss the financial responsibility of the church for the school.

10. Compare "teamwork" by parents and also by parents and teachers.

11. Discuss: The teacher is a supplement to the home.

12. Discuss the effect of parental criticism of a child's teachers.

13. Why should our schools become more and more like the schools of the prophets? In what respects?

14. Discuss paragraphs 2 and 3 on page 336: Never-ending education!

E. Think on these things:

1. Will a Christian education help my child to do more work or less?

2. Will the school my child is attending now prepare him for the school above?

3. Should my child run the streets for the first eight to ten years of his life?

4. If there is no school in the church I attend, should I move, or encourage the church to open one?

5. Am I a problem to my child's teacher?

6. Do I keep my child in school the year round?

7. Do I ever criticize my child's teacher?

F. Name one way I have helped to make my school more like the school of the prophets.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XIII Date ________

A. Read pages 339-368.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Name three things that will add to health, vitality, and development of mind and body. (339:1)




2. To what body system does power of the will give energy? (339:4)



3. What will increase strength the most in the young? (340:1)



4. Name the greatest curse to children in this age. (340:4)



5. Complete: "Selfish amusements are _______________________ to the morals." (341:2)

6. Who are happiest and healthiest? (342:1)



7. What will the discipline of systematic, well-regulated labor do to the character? (342:3)



8. What will refresh the student's mind? (343:0)



9. Complete: "The health should be as sacredly guarded as the _______________________." (343:0)

10. What did employment bring to our first parents? (345:1) ____________________________

11. Complete: "His [Jesus'] life was one of _______________________ industry." (346:1)

12. What are youth to be taught concerning life's meaning? (347:1)



13. What habits should manual training develop? (348:3)



14. Name the dangers in neglecting to teach our children to work. (350:2)



15. How many children should share in home duties? (350:4)



16. For what are boys and girls equally accountable? (351:3)



17. Complete: "Muscles need exercise. . . . Let their _______________________ be to some purpose." (352:1)

18. How can parents draw their children closer to Christ? (352:2)



19. What will a clear conscience do to the intellect? (353:1)



20. With what should young men grow up? (355:1)



21. In what should fathers and sons work together? (355:5)



22. What is one most valuable area of manual training? (356:2)



23. With what special value in foods need we become acquainted? (357:1)



24. If you must have a one-sided education, which shall it be? (358:2)



25. Where is the source of all our acts? (360:1)



26. What is the relationship of body organs to the mind? (360:2)



27. What subjects should be the basis of all educational effort? (361:0)



28. Complete: "The laws of _______________________ are the laws of God." (363:1)

29. Where are God's laws written? (363:1)



30. What is next in importance to correct posture? (364:4)



31. List God's true remedies. (366:1)









32. Complete: "I must have wisdom to be a faithful _______________________ of my body." (367:0)

C. Rate your attitude toward health: As sacred as my character _______________________

Keep a good balance on all health habits ______ Think of my health when I get sick ______ Never think of it ______

1. I observe the following health habits ______________________________________________

2. I need to improve by ______________________________________________

D. Discuss with others:

1. How to build muscle tone; healthful action of body organs.

2. The place of the willpower in maintaining good health.

3. How can children develop mental and physical faculties?

4. Indolence--the curse of the age.

5. The relationship of the conscience to mental and physical health.

6. The blessings of poverty.

7. Work and happiness--their relationship.

8. The discipline of systematic, well-regulated labor.

9. Seeing the science of work.

10. Should boys be taught to do housework?

11. Should girls be taught the mechanics of the family car?

12. Exercise with a purpose.

13. Is there any real need to teach agriculture today in our schools?

14. The laws of nature and the laws of God.

15. Remedies prescribed by the Great Physician.

16. Importance of regularity.

E. Think on these things:

1. Do I teach my child to share cheerfully the burdens of life?

2. Do I teach him that work is essential?

3. Do I work in the open air as much as possible?

4. Does my child know how to cook?

5. Do I have a knowledge of physiology and hygiene?

6. Am I regular in my eating and sleeping?

7. Do I see that my child is regular in his eating and sleeping?

8. Do I have a good posture?

9. Do I use my voice as I should?

F. I have spent _______ hours _______ minutes in outdoor labor today.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XIV Date ________

A. Read pages 371-410.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Who occupies a most important position in our homes? (371:1) _______________________

2. What is more important to a girl's education than even piano? (371:2)



3. Complete: "Life's happiness is _______________________ up with _______________________ in common _______________________." (371:3)

4. Which is the most valuable of all arts? (372:1)



5. What is every woman's double duty? (372:4)



6. What is our religious duty? (373:2)



7. From what are more souls lost than we realize? (373:4)



8. What weakens the blood-making organs? (374:1)



9. Complete: "Young ladies should be _______________________ instructed in cooking." (375:3)

10. How can barriers against folly be built around daughters? (376:2)



11. What two things are both boys and girls to be taught? (376:4)



12. Complete: "Skill, economy, and tact [in cooking] is a _______________________." (376:5)

13. From what does the body repair broken-down tissues? (378:3)



14. When should a child's eating habits be formed? (379:1)



15. What will care and regularity in the feeding of infants tend to make them? (379:1)



16. By what are spiritual, mental, and physical powers affected? (380:0)



17. List four things originally placed in man's diet. (380:1)





18. From what two things should our diets be free? (380:2)



19. What tendencies does the use of flesh foods strengthen in us? (382:1)



20. Why are flesh foods doubly objectionable now? (382:3)



21. Complete: "Many die of diseases wholly due to _______________________ eating." (383:0)

22. All who are waiting for the Lord's return will eventually do away with what type of food? (383:2)



23. What foods contain all the needed properties to make good blood? (384:1)*

*See Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 81-97.





24. Complete: "There should not be many kinds [of foods] at any _______________________." (385:1)


25. What is to be banished at mealtime? (387:1)



26. Why should meals be eaten regularly? (387:4)



27. How long must the stomach rest between meals? (389:2)



28. What should the breakfast meal be? (390:2)



29. What is the cause of most of life's ills? (394:1)



30. Name four things in which excessive indulgence is sin. (394:3)





31. In what will God not interfere? (396:1)



32. To what is intemperance in study compared? (396:4)



33. On what are we living when we overwork? (397:3)



34. If we are temperate, with what will we dispense in eating? (398:3)



35. What is the solution to the liquor problem? (401:3)



36. Where does intemperance often begin? (403:2)



37. Why do tea and coffee injure the nervous system? (403:2)



38. Complete: "Those who use tobacco in any form are not clear _______________________." (404:1)

39. In what is our only path to safety? (405:2)



40. Where must children be educated in character formation? (407:1)



41. How early in life are temperance and self-control to be taught? (408:2)



42. What is to be taught in every home and every school? (408:4)



43. With what thought are the youth to be impressed? (409:1)



C. Rate how temperate (Over, Right Amount, Under ) you are in:

eating ____ ____ ____

sleeping ____ ____ ____

working ____ ____ ____

studying ____ ____ ____

D. Discuss with others:

1. Contrast health reform with health deform.

2. The relationship of health and happiness with good cookery.

3. Am I what I eat--mentally, physically, spiritually?

4. How is the appetite perverted?

5. Reasons for discarding the use of all flesh foods.

6. Why must there be no unpleasantness at mealtimes?

7. Why never eat one morsel between meals?

8. Breakfast--what kind of meal should it be?

9. Indulgence of appetite versus temperance.

10. What has temperance to do with sanctification?

11. What is harmful about tea, coffee, spices, stimulants?

12. Breakdown of body, beclouding of mind, sensualizing the soul.

E. Think on these things:

1. Am I a good cook?

2. Do I eat between meals?

3. Do I talk about pleasant things at the table?

4. Am I temperate in my work?

5. Am I temperate in my study?

6. Do I eat enough? Too much?

F. Name one thing I as the (husband, wife, son, daughter) can do to make mealtime more pleasant.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter




Section XV Date ________

A. Read pages 413-436.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. God desires our clothing to be: (413:1)





2. What three things should characterize our appearance? (413: 2)




3. Of what are our clothes an index? (413:4)



4. How far are we to follow customs? (414:1)



5. Complete: "They should shun _______________________." (414:3)

6. We are to act as though whose eye is upon us? (415:1)



7. How are we not to class neatness and decency in dress? (415:2)



8. What texts give the Bible's timeless rule for dress? (416:1)



9. Complete: "Costly apparel stifles the _______________________ to do good." (416:4)

10. What kind of dress will protect a modest woman? (417:3)



11. Suggest four characteristics for our clothing. (419:4)





12. What do we do when we lose taste for neatness and order in dress? (419:6, 420:0)



13. What does the wearing of gaudy clothing advertise? (420:2)



14. Complete: "Our clothing, while modest and simple, should be of good _______________________, of becoming _______________________, and suited for _______________________." (420:3)

15. Complete: "Practice _______________________ in your outlay of means for _______________________." (421:1)

16. How will others judge our hearts and minds when we wear artificials and gold? (421:5)



17. Complete: "Any device designed to _______________________ attention to the _______________________ or to excite admiration is _______________________ from the modest apparel which God's Word _______________________." (423:2)

18. How careful will Christians be of their dress? (425:1)



19. Complete: "It is always right to be neat and to be clad _______________________, in a manner becoming to your _______________________ and _______________________ life." (425:2)

20. How should one's clothing fit? (425:3)



21. How should body extremities be clothed? (426:3)



22. What encourages irreverence? (427: 5)



23. How are we to dress for church services? (428:2)



24. Complete: "Idolatry of dress is a _______________________." (432:4)

25. What does idolatry of dress destroy? (433:2)



26. When Satan captivates a mother, what are his spoils? (434:0)



27. Those who spend much time on dress are like what tree? (435:4)



C. Rate the way you dress: Appropriately___ Plainly___ Shabbily___ Gaudily___

1. My most becoming attire is


2. I could improve on


D. Discuss with others:

1. What is appropriate and becoming dress?

2. How can character be judged by one's dress? (413, 415)

3. When is it safe to follow fashion in dress?

4. What is meant by simplicity in dress? (417, 421, 427)

5. Heaven's dress.

6. Should all Adventists dress alike? Uniforms?

7. Why not wear feathers, artificials, and extra trimmings? (421-23)

8. What is true beauty? (424)

9. Dress to fit one's age and position.

10. Clothing the extremities--why?

11. Idolatry in dress.

12. How shall we educate children regarding dress?

E. Think on these things:

1. Are my clothes neat?

2. Are my clothes healthful?

3. Are my clothes appropriate?

4. Are my clothes becoming?

5. Are my clothes clean?

6. Are my clothes modest?

7. Are my clothes of good quality?

8. Do my clothes fit properly?

F. Name one way I can "preach the gospel" by my dress.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XVI Date ________

A. Read pages 439-468.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Name two things that arouse lust and corrupt passion. (439:2)



2. What is the special sin of this age? (440:1)



3. What exists in some Sabbathkeeping families? (440:3)



4. Whose minds does Satan try to debase? (440:4)



5. The violation of what laws has caused present-day social sins? (441:0)



6. Of what name are those unworthy who do not control passions? (441:2)



7. What is most responsible for race degeneracy? (441:3)



8. What does one corrupt mind sow in others? (443:2)



9. What does secret vice do to the brain and nervous system? (444:1)



10. List the diseases that may grow out of self-abuse. (444:2)



11. By what fraction are intellectual powers reduced by this sin? (445:3)



12. What will pampering of natural appetites do to self-government and spirituality? (446: 2)



13. To avoid sensuality, where is the mind to dwell? (447:2)



14. Complete: "Parents do not know that secret _______________________ is destroying and defacing the image of God in their _______________________." (449:2)

15. With what three things do many surround themselves in a wrong atmosphere? (449:2)




16. What may love stories and romances do to the mind? (453:0)



17. What is a mother's duty toward her young daughter? (455:3)



18. From infancy what vital lesson are children to be taught? (457:1)



19. Of what can mothers never be too careful? (457:4, 458:0)



20. When may sensuality in children be blamed on parents? (458:2)



21. With what must a child's mind be balanced to keep his morals pure? (460:1)



22. Why should children not sleep together? (460:2)



23. Why should meat never be placed before children? (461:1)



24. What are we to teach children about their bodies? (461:2)



25. To what will idleness lead? (462:1)



26. If we earnestly pray for pure thoughts and refined imaginations, what will God do? (463:1)



27. To be saved, what three things must we govern? (465:1)




28. What causes the imagination to become hopelessly diseased? (465:3)



29. How many can control their passions, if they will? (466:3)



C. Rate your attitude toward sex: Sacred___ Cheap___ Wholesome ___ Evil___

1. I believe parents should instruct their children for the following reasons:


2. Parents should send them to


D. Discuss with others:

1. God's purpose for sex.

2. What have books and pictures (moving and still) to do with today's sensuality?

3. Why is Satan so determined to debase the youth?

4. Are parents responsible for oversexed children? How?

5. Why the prevalent homosexuality?

6. Venereal diseases.

7. Effect of overindulgence on the brain powers.

8. Fortifying the mind against temptation.

9. Are parents awake to their children's sex behavior?

10. Self-control over appetites and passions.

11. How to keep children pure minded.

12. Your children's associates--spending the night with others.

13. The influence of diet on sex impulses.

14. Indolence versus exercise and their effects on purity.

15. How can we control the mind and keep it pure?

16. How Bible study affects the mind and nervous system.

E. Think on these things:

1. Do I teach my child that the sex organs are sacred?

2. If my child regards the sex organs as cheap and common, will he have eternal life?

3. If I desire life, will I abuse the organs that reproduce life?

4. Do I allow my child to sleep with others?

5. Do I censure my child? What is a better way?

6. Do I answer all questions pertaining to life?

7. Do I remember my body is not mine, but is God's temple?

F. Name one way sex draws one closer to God, the Author.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XVII Date ________

A. Read pages 471-502.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. Complete: "One of the greatest dangers that besets God's people has ever been from _______________________ to worldly _______________________ and _______________________." (471:2)

2. Who are generally responsible for unfitting youth for life? (472:1)



3. If Christ is in the home, what will mothers do? (472:3)



4. Complete: "The sin committed by _______________________ in thus permitting _______________________ to bear sway is beyond _______________________." (473:0)

5. For what are parents responsible? (474:1)



6. How much of their time must parents give the children? (474:4)



7. From what are parents to awaken? (475:1)



8. What is the one great hope for the whole family? (475:2)



9. Where is our most important field of missionary service? (476:4)



10. What is one great need of the home? (477:2)



11. Name four things involved in the cost of saving our children. (479:1)





12. Under what circumstances may we fret at and scold our children? (480:1)



13. What is the only safeguard for the young? (480:3)



14. For what is the family a training school? (482:1)



15. How may parents best mold their children's characters? (482:2)



16. What connection is needed to discern right from wrong? (484:1)



17. When does God want to adopt children into His family? (486:2)



18. For what are parents to train their children? (488:3)



19. What is the foundation of all enduring reformation? (489:5)


20. In what years may children be taught personal religion? (490:4)



21. When is a child to learn that he needs salvation? (491:0)



22. What is true education? (494:0)



23. Complete: "Teach them to form _______________________ that will live through the _______________________ ages." (494:2)

24. How often are children to repent of and confess sins? (494:3)



25. In what teachings should our children be instructed? (495:1)



26. How may evenings in the home be well spent? (495:3)



27. Obedience to God involves obedience to whom else? (496:1)



28. What is even more important than book education? (497:3)



29. Where will children's feet not walk without parental cooperation? (498:3)



30. Complete: "We must live in _______________________ with our _______________________." (499:1)

31. Do children belong to God before baptism? (499:2)



32. With what are we never to taunt our children? (501:0)



33. As parents and teachers work to save the children, what may they expect? (502:1)



C. Rate your interest in eternal life: All important ___ Of major importance ___ Of minor importance ___ Of no importance ___

1. My main desire is to


2. My least concern is


D. Discuss with others:

1. The curse of the indifferent parent.

2. The future of the undisciplined child.

3. The noblest mission field--the home.

4. Gauging Christianity by the home life.

5. Training our children to be workers for God.

6. Conversion and baptism of children.

7. Soul training, physical and mental training.

8. The more important heart education.

9. Stumbling-block parents.

10. Helping baptized children to grow in grace.

11. Surrounding children with spiritual meetings.

E. Think on these things:

1. Am I unfitting my child for the realities of life?

2. Am I truly converted?

3. In what spirit do I teach religion to my child?

4. Do I make my instruction pleasant?

5. Do I give my child enough time?

6. Do I realize I am responsible for the life and soul of my child?

F. Name one way I as the (husband, wife, son, daughter) can make the evenings at home delightful and profitable.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XVIII Date ________

A. Read pages 505-552.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. What writings are superior to those of any other? (505:1)



2. Through what avenue are we placed in communion with God? (506:2)



3. What will be imparted to the soul by Bible study? (507:2)



4. With what will we never be satisfied if we catch a glimpse of great Bible truth? (509:1)



5. As an educator, where is the Bible to stand? (510:2)



6. How often should the family study the Sabbath school lesson? (511:4)



7. Complete: "The Bible has a fullness, a _______________________, a depth of meaning, that is _______________________." (513:1)

8. On whom can we not depend to save us? (513:2)



9. Name three things the teaching of the Bible should have. (515:1)




10. If we are to save our children, what must guide us? (515:2)



11. In every family what should be erected? (517:1)



12. What is prayer? (518:1)



13. What kind of family worship will God not accept? (518:3)



14. What do angels do for praying saints? (519:1)



15. When does the heavenly universe see our families? (519:1)



16. For what are we to ask God every morning? (519:2)



17. How can we daily make a hedge about our children? (519:3)



18. May we ever safely neglect family worship? (520:4)



19. What are the three parts of a well-organized morning worship? (522:0)




20. Complete: "Make the [worship] season one of _______________________ and _______________________." (524:2)

21. To whose prayers are heaven's gates open? (525:4)



22. How do parents and youth often break the fourth commandment? (527:1)



23. (a) From what are our hands to rest on Sabbath? (527:3)



(b) What is to receive special attention then? (527:3)



24. Of what is Friday to be a day? (528:2-5)



25. How should families greet the Sabbath? (529:1)



26. Where are we not to waste Sabbath hours? (530:2)


27. On the Sabbath where is the whole family to go? (530:3)



28. Who should explain the sermon to the children? (531:3)



29. Describe the Sabbath meal. (532:2)



30. What about children's play on the Sabbath? (533:2)



31. Where may parents and children well spend the Sabbath? (534:1)



32. Complete: "The Sabbath should be made so _______________________ to our families that its weekly return will be _______________________ with _______________________." (536:2)

33. What grace should be carefully cherished? (538:1)



34. What should all learn concerning God's name, Word, place of prayer, and house of worship? (538, 539)



35. During church services, where should children sit? (542:1)



36. Where should children go who disturb a church service? (544:1)



37. Complete: "Practice _______________________ until it becomes a part of yourself." (547:0)

38. Complete: "Make the home life as nearly as possible like _______________________." (548:3)

39. Where do children learn how to act in church? (549:2)



40. If religion reigns in the home, where else will it be found? (550:1)



41. Complete: "After the family then comes the _______________________." (551:2)

42. Complete: "The religion of the _______________________ will surely be brought into the church." (552:2)

C. Rate your attitude toward prayer: A joy to communicate with God___ A duty required of God___ A dreary time to review all our old sins___ An empty, meaningless ceremony___

1. What I like most about prayer is


2. What I wish most is


D. Discuss with others:

1. Why is the Bible the greatest Book on earth?

2. What does Bible study do to the mind?

3. How is the Bible a safeguard to the home?

4. How to make Bible study interesting for children.

5. No family worship--the prayerless home.

6. When the heavenly universe looks in at your door.

7. Family worship. When? How often?

8. Making family worship interesting for children.

9. Sabbath worship periods--how to conduct.

10. How to remember the word remember--fourth commandment.

11. How to prepare for the Sabbath on Friday.

12. Attending Sabbath services--Sabbath clothing, etc.

13. Sabbath afternoon with the children.

14. The true Sabbathkeeping family--how accomplished.

15. Teaching reverence for holy things.

E. Think on these things:

1. Is my worship a dull, monotonous repetition of words?

2. Do I enjoy praising God?

3. Does my child lift his head heavenward when he prays?

4. Is my Sabbath dinner a treat?

5. Although my child is not allowed to engage in common play on the Sabbath, we do have a happy time singing, taking nature walks, and telling stories.

6. Is my child reverent?

7. Does my child sit with the family in church?

8. Do I take my child out when he disturbs the service?

F. Name my latest answer to prayer.


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter



Section XIX Date ________

A. Read pages 555-570.

B. Check your knowledge:

1. What is Satan now doing? (555:1)



2. For what should God's people now be preparing? (555:2)



3. What is the most important parental work? (556:1)



4. More than anything else, what do young people need? (557:0)



5. How long can parents delay in preparing their children for heaven? (557:1)



6. What work in the home is to accompany the third angel's message? (558:1)



7. In what must children's hearts be trained? (558:2)



8. What do Adventist parents need to realize more fully? (558:3, 559:0)



9. What will be read in the solemn assembly of the last day? (560:2)



10. What two things will the trumpet of the Archangel soon do? (561:0)



11. In its record books, what does Heaven mark? (561:3)



12. Whom will lost children face in the judgment? (561:4)



13. Day by day, what is God taking of His people? (562:1)



14. What is included in God's picture of us? (563:1)




15. What will rest on unfaithful parents? (563:4)



16. Complete: "There will be a _______________________ of the family chain." (565:3)

17. Complete: "Little children are borne by holy angels to their _______________________ arms." (566:3)

18. What do we ever need to keep before us? (568:3)



19. With what question does this treasured volume end? (569:2)



C. Rate your attitude toward Christ's second coming: Adds joy and delight to all my waking moments_____ Causes me to stop and think seriously_____ Fear and dread take hold of me_____ Terror and anguish seize me at the thought_____

1. I think the best picture God has taken of me was


2. I think the worst picture God has taken of me was


D. Discuss with others:

1. The lateness of the hour--God's last hour!

2. Is my family ready should Christ come now?

3. Preparing our youth for the coming crisis. (556, 557)

4. Example of strict obedience--part of the third angel's message.

5. Describe the judgment day for parents and children.

6. Can parents be saved when children are lost? (561)

7. God's photograph of me. (562, 563)

8. Children praising or condemning parents in judgment.

9. The reunited families in heaven.

10. Is heaven worth it? Why?

11. God's shocking words to careless parents.

12. The Master's final condemnation.

E. Think on these things:

1. When will Christ actually come?

2. Am I ready now?

3. Is my child ready?

4. If not, when do I begin working for him?

5. If Christ came this minute, is my child where He can find him?

6. Could He recognize him as being His by his words and acts?

7. Has God taken my picture today?

F. Name my greatest desire for my child.

Answers to Section I

B. 1. Home.

2. Parents.

3. Respect, obedience, reverence, self-control.

4. Home above.

5. Kind, patient.

6. Religious.

7. Parents'.

8. Before the birth of the child.

9. For a happy life here and hereafter.

10. Sound minds in sound bodies.

11. That they be kept from evil.

12. Parents.

13. So that he would not be exposed to temptation and would heed his parents' instruction.

14. Training of their children.

15. Teach, Christ.

16. (a) Industry; (b) neatness; (c) order.

17. Sin.

18. (a) Tender, guarded; (b) kind, courteous; (c) pleasant, atmosphere; (d) differ.

19. Because of constant association.

20. (a) Word; (b) action.

21. Haphazard work.

22. His education.

23. Spirit of love.

24. After they train and discipline themselves.

25. Habits cling to the entire life-experience.

26. He will educate the rest.

Answers to Section II

B. 1. Obey, commands cheerfully.

2. Satan.

3. Gentle manner, nerves.

4. They may not be equally adapted to the circumstances of the matter or to the peculiar disposition or temperament of each child.

5. (a) Reason; (b) correct; (c) patiently teach.

6. Nature.

7. Health, happiness.

8. Loathe, spiritual.

9. Everywhere in nature.

10. Physical and mental attainments.

11. Reasoning, duties, perform.

12. (a) Go; (b) come; (c) dress; (d) act as they please.

13. They are noticed and praised too much.

14. Control, will, obey, reason, conscience.

15. Word of God.

16. Love of God.

17. Sense of God's presence.

18. Source, delight.

19. Results of sin.

20. Every object in nature.

21. The fields and hills.

22. As lambs in the sunlight.

23. Strengthen it.

24. The character of God.

25. Faithfulness.

Answers to Section III

B. 1. Qualified, account.

2. Mother's.

3. (a) Physical needs; (b) mental growth; (c) spiritual growth.

4. Fathers, mothers.

5. Physiology, hygiene, prenatal influence, heredity, sanitation, dress, exercise, treatment of disease, mental development, moral training.

6. Not until parents receive training.

7. Parenthood, sin.

8. Souls of children.

9. Rules that God has given.

10. Of love and kindness.

11. They will love, honor, and obey God.

12. Redeem, neglect.

13. Displeasure of God.

14. Mind, pure.

15. Our words; hasty temper.

16. Do not despair. Make decided reforms.

17. (a) Trust; (b) responsibility; (c) opportunity.

18. It draws them away from the duties of home and the training of their little ones.

19. Amazing power.

20. (a) Read; (b) be informed; (c) be a companion to her husband; (d) keep in touch with developing minds of her children.

21. Variety, stir, earnest effort, willpower.

22. While parents sleep in indifference.

23. Yes.

24. Receive instruction.

25. Obedience.

Answers to Section IV

B. 1. Education, obedience.

2. Promote happiness, honor God.

3. Law of God.

4. It is a great offense.

5. He would not stay His judgments.

6. Righteousness and sin, obedience and disobedience.

7. Obey.

8. (a) Obey, (b) respect, (c) reverence their parents.

9. Reason.

10. Plain, simple, and kind.

11. Your love.

12. (a) Selfishness; (b) anger; (c) self-will.

13. Kindly, loving, firm.

14. Their heavenly Father.

15. The obedient.

16. By gentle, persistent effort.

17. Implicitly, parents.

18. Submission and obedience.

19. Sin.

20. Pleasantly, scolding, faultfinding.

21. So they will know what they should do.

22. Repress, firm, impatience, passion.

23. To work as he will.

24. Parents.

Answers to Section V

B. 1. Their wishes.

2. To allow wrong habits to be developed, to let him rule.

3. Nothing.

4. Never.

5. To govern self.

6. Indulgence.

7. Encourage passionate tempers.

8. Be quiet and respectful.

9. Boisterous.

10. Not one.

11. Reverence.

12. They are not their playthings.

13. Handle, other people.

14. Playthings, strong, durable.

15. Keep us healthy.

16. Physical and moral education.

17. Today.

18. No.

19. Perfect cleanliness, sunlight.

20. Order, taste.

21. So he will have a sense of ownership.

22. (a) Health, (b) spirits, (c) memory, (d) disposition.

23. (a) Association, (b) books, (c) habits.

24. Alone, children.

25. Sensual indulgence.

Answers to Section VI

B. 1. As early as possible.

2. Children, happiness.

3. Early.

4. A workshop.

5. Obligations, mutual.

6. Six.

7. Performing every duty as unto the Lord.

8. Occupation.

9. Leaving them with nothing to do.

10. Training, streets.

11. Life, character.

12. Treasure, trust, account.

13. Time squandered.

14. Laziness, indolence.

15. Indolence.

16. Fussy, lingering habits.

17. Work.

18. Active industry.

19. Change, children.

20. Industry, thoroughness.

21. Little things.

22. Self-denial.

23. Sacrifice.

24. Every member.

25. Two to four years of age.

26. Bear them bravely.

27. Temper, passionate, unvarying, courtesy, self-control.

28. Economy, industry, sobriety.

29. Younger members of flock.

30. Houses, money, required.

31. Nothing that can be utilized.

32. By using it.

33. Account.

Answers to Section VII

B. 1. Forced, precocious, grace, early.

2. Artificial.

3. (a) Looks; (b) words; (c) actions.

4. Foster their vanity and willfulness.

5. (a) Appreciation; (b) sympathy; (c) encouragement.

6. (a) Simplicity; (b) trust.

7. Selfishness.

8. (a) Polite; (b) compassionate; (c) loving; (d) pitiful; (e) courteous; (f) tenderhearted.

9. (a) Courtesy; (b) cheerfulness; (c) affection.

10. (a) Pride; (b) self-esteem; (c) boldness.

11. Priceless, modesty.

12. Mind, body.

13. (a) Gloomy; (b) mournful; (c) depressed; (d) despairing.

14. Christian cheerfulness.

15. Words that will bring sunshine and joy.

16. Cheerful.

17. Deceitful.

18. Artless simplicity.

19. Truthfulness.

20. Truthful.

21. Tell the truth.

22. Because of our sense of obligation to God.

23. Every action.

24. Self-pity.

25. Worthy, trust.

Answers to Section VIII

B. 1. Character.

2. (a) Power of will; (b) power of self-control.

3. The formation of character.

4. At every stage of development.

5. Children thoroughly educated to take their places in society.

6. Repetition of the act.

7. Self-development.

8. Faith in Christ.

9. Forming a good character.

10. Constant watchfulness.

11. Restore.

12. Parents.

13. Neglect or indulgence.

14. Every moment.

15. He will hear their prayers, work with their efforts.

16. The work He has left for parents to do.

17. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, and charity.

18. Thorns.

19. Indulgence, rod of iron.

20. Subdue tempers in their children.

21. Dallying with sin.

22. When they let evil go unrestrained.

23. When they disregard the commands of God.

24. As disturbers of the peace and corrupters of their companions.

25. If they are ill-disciplined.

26. Selfishness.

27. The divine.

28. A fortification of prayer and faith.

29. When they are young.

30. By training them in good habits of eating, drinking, dressing, and exercise.

Answers to Section IX

B. 1. Seven, all.

2. The first.

3. The first three.

4. Firm, decided, straightforward.

5. To begin early enough.

6. Practical arts.

7. By every familiar object.

8. Those wisely trained in childhood.

9. Repetition, confirmed.

10. The early years.

11. What he sees and hears.

12. Persevering.

13. By not paying attention to small actions that are wrong.

14. Disgusting and offensive.

15. Self-control.

16. Obedient.

17. We should sacredly regard them.

18. Self-control.

19. Crush.

20. Duty.

21. Disposition.

22. Decision.

23. "To form a character of integrity and to live a life of usefulness."

24. Give it proper direction.

25. Molded, ignored, crushed.

26. Drive them.

27. Reason and principle.

28. Submission.

29. Letting the child control.

30. Rude.

31. Those who feel no guilt and no need of repentance.

32. By parents being kind and gentle.

33. One word of fretfulness, harshness, or passion.

34. (a) Looks, (b) words, (c) actions.

Answers to Section X

B. 1. Training child for self-government.

2. Restrain, guide, control.

3. The mother's.

4. Obedience to God's commandments.

5. To be respected.

6. Their own judgment.

7. Encourage the children.

8. Life, future.

9. The moment he begins to choose his own will and way.

10. With mildness and firmness.

11. It places too much responsibility on them.

12. Evil, encourage.

13. Parental neglect.

14. Fathers and mothers.

15. Home or school.

16. Excuse, children.

17. As long as they are under the roof of the parents.

18. Patiently.

19. Help.

20. Few, obeyed.

21. Call them to account for their neglect.

22. When other resorts fail.

23. It would shake two evil spirits in while shaking one out.

24. (a) Reason; (b) pray.

25. Stepping-stone to better and higher things.

26. Duty.

27. They bring unhappiness to him and displease God.

28. Sparing.

29. Unpromising ones.

30. Love.

31. Affection and Christlike authority.

32. (a) Firmness; (b) decision; (c) positive requirements.

33. Children's eternal interests.

Answers to Section XI

B. 1. Love.

2. Indulgence in the home.

3. Character.

4. Their wicked indulgence.

5. Pass.

6. Weak, impulsive characters.

7. When we overlook and excuse sin; when we practice unlimited indulgence.

8. To Satan.

9. At the hour of death.

10. Wish, children.

11. Cause, effect.

12. Improve.

13. Censure.

14. Sense of injustice.

15. (a) Fret; (b) scold; (c) ridicule.

16. Impatience in parents.

17. Not in a single instance.

18. Lack of firmness and decision.

19. Undecided, overindulgent.

20. Through fear of evil results they refuse permission to indulge in simple pleasures.

21. Worst passions.

22. In a scolding manner.

23. Unfit, grandchildren.

24. Never.

25. Not once.

26. Should not live "within a few miles of one another."

27. They are happier because there is less tendency to correct each other. Petty jealousies and misunderstandings are avoided by living farther apart.

Answers to Section XII

B. 1. (a) Physical; (b) mental.

2. To know and understand the will of God.

3. Selfish rivalry.

4. (a) Eden. (b) The Creator. (c) Nature.

5. Practical and literary training.

6. Service for Christ.

7. Christianity.

8. The world.

9. Never.

10. In field or garden.

11. Physical.

12. Habits of industry.

13. School, early.

14. Christian instruction.

15. Scriptural.

16. Educated, Bible.

17. In Sabbath school they learn the truth; in day school they learn falsehood.

18. Six.

19. To save the children.

20. Of the very highest order.

21. As a watchman.

22. All share.

23. Help them.

24. No amount of labor for others can excuse us for neglecting our children and youth.

25. How can you take such a risk?

26. To help the children physically, mentally, spiritually.

27. If parents neglect proper discipline.

28. Both will be encouraged and strengthened.

29. Those who are true to God, principle, and themselves.

30. Schools of the prophets.

31. All.

32. It wearies the mind.

33. The teacher's.

Answers to Section XIII

B. 1. (a) Open air; (b) well-regulated employment; (c) well-regulated amusement.

2. Nervous system.

3. Useful labor.

4. Inaction.

5. Dangerous.

6. Those who are always busy.

7. Make a pure and virtuous character.

8. Equalizing the taxation of mental and physical powers.

9. Character.

10. Happiness.

11. Diligent.

12. The discipline of labor is essential.

13. Accuracy and thoroughness.

14. Untold evil, imperiling lives, crippling usefulness.

15. Each child.

16. Use of time.

17. Exercise.

18. By encouraging a spirit of unselfish service in the home.

19. Quicken and invigorate.

20. Some trade.

21. Trades and employment.

22. Agriculture.

23. Their freshness from orchard and garden.

24. Knowledge of labor.

25. The mind.

26. Servants.

27. Physiology and hygiene.

28. Nature.

29. On every nerve, muscle, and fiber of the body.

30. Respiration and vocal culture.

31. (a) Pure air; (b) sunlight; (c) abstemiousness; (d) rest; (e) exercise; (f) proper diet; (g) use of water; (h) trust in divine power.

32. Guardian.

Answers to Section XIV

B. 1. The cook.

2. Homemaking.

3. Bound, faithfulness, duties.

4. Cooking.

5. To know how to cook and teach daughters to cook.

6. To prepare palatable and healthful food.

7. Poor cookery.

8. Scanty, ill-cooked food.

9. Thoroughly.

10. By teaching them the art of cookery.

11. To cook economically and to dispense with flesh food.

12. Fortune.

13. Food.

14. As an infant.

15. It will tend to make them quiet and sweet-tempered.

16. Unhealthful food.

17. (a) Grains; (b) fruits; (c) nuts; (d) vegetables.

18. (a) Spices; (b) grease.

19. Animalizes the nature and robs people of love and sympathy they should feel for everyone.

20. Disease is increasing.

21. Meat.

22. Meat.

23. (a) Grains; (b) fruits; (c) nuts; (d) vegetables.

24. One meal.

25. Everything that can burden or irritate.

26. Stomach is unprepared for the new burden if meals are irregular.

27. Five hours.

28. Heartiest meal.

29. Intemperance.

30. (a) Eating; (b) drinking; (c) sleeping; (d) seeing.

31. Consequences of violating nature's laws.

32. Intoxication.

33. Borrowed capital.

34. Everything harmful.

35. Abstain wholly from strong drinks.

36. At home.

37. They have poisons in them.

38. Before God.

39. Temperance in all things.

40. In the home.

41. From the cradle.

42. The effect of alcohol and tobacco.

43. They are to be masters, not slaves.

Answers to Section XV

B. 1. Neat, healthful, appropriate, becoming.

2. (a) Neatness; (b) modesty; (c) purity.

3. Of the man or the woman.

4. As far as they conform to health principles.

5. Extremes.

6. Heaven's.

7. With pride.

8. (a) 1 Timothy 2:9, 10; (b) 1 Peter 3:3-5.

9. Desire.

10. Chaste simplicity.

11. (a) Appropriate; (b) becoming; (c) neat; (d) clean.

12. Virtually leave the truth.

13. Vanity and pride.

14. Quality, colors, service.

15. Economy, dress.

16. Look upon it as proof of weak minds and proud hearts.

17. Attract, wearer, excluded, enjoins.

18. Put on nothing to attract attention.

19. Appropriately, age, station.

20. Easily.

21. As warm as the body.

22. Display of apparel.

23. In our best apparel.

24. Moral disease.

25. All that is humble, meek, and lovely in character.

26. The whole family.

27. Fig tree.

Answers to Section XVI

B. 1. (a) Exciting love stories, (b) impure pictures.

2. Licentiousness.

3. Sin and vice.

4. Youths'.

5. Nature's laws.

6. Christian.

7. Moral pollution.

8. Evil seed.

9. Destroys.

10. Diseases of the liver, lungs, spine, and kidneys, neuralgia, rheumatism, and cancerous humors.

11. One half or one third.

12. Self-government seems gone; they die spiritually.

13. On elevated subjects.

14. Vice, children.

15. (a) Dress; (b) looks; (c) amusements.

16. Fascinate by impure thoughts.

17. Show her place, restrain her, and teach her.

18. Self-control.

19. Preventing children from learning low habits.

20. If they have not instructed them.

21. Religious principles.

22. It is easier to prevent evil than to cure it.

23. It excites passion.

24. Keep them clean.

25. Corrupt habits.

26. Hear and grant our petitions.

27. (a) Thoughts, (b) passions, (c) affections.

28. Unrestrained thoughts, reading, words.

29. All.

Answers to Section XVII

B. 1. Conformity, maxims, customs.

2. Parents.

3. Educate their children in religion.

4. Parents, Satan, conception.

5. Bringing children into the world.

6. All that is necessary.

7. Deathlike slumber.

8. Religion.

9. In our own home.

10. Converted parents.

11. (a) Tears; (b) prayers; (c) effort; (d) instruction.

12. None.

13. Religion of the Bible.

14. Religious duties.

15. By leading a consistent life and by exercising self-control.

16. With the Source of wisdom.

17. At a tender age.

18. Courts of God.

19. Law of God.

20. Eight, ten, or twelve.

21. When he is very young.

22. Religion.

23. Characters, eternal.

24. Daily.

25. Sound doctrine.

26. As a school of instruction.

27. Parents.

28. Heart education.

29. In safe paths.

30. Harmony, prayers.

31. Yes.

32. With being baptized and yet doing wrong.

33. To be able to lead them to God.

Answers to Section XVIII

B. 1. The Bible.

2. His Word.

3. Energy.

4. Trivial, sensational subjects.

5. First.

6. Each day.

7. Strength, inexhaustible.

8. The minister.

9. (a) Freshest thought; (b) best methods; (c) earnest effort.

10. The Bible.

11. Altar of prayer.

12. Communion with God.

13. Dull repetition.

14. Offer incense.

15. Morning and evening.

16. To keep us through the day.

17. By morning and evening prayer.

18. No.

19. (a) Portion of Scripture read; (b) songs sung; (c) prayer offered.

20. Interest, joy.

21. Every mother's.

22. Seeking own pleasure.

23. (a) Worldly employment. (b) Soul's needs.

24. Of preparation.

25. Assemble to sing, pray, and read God's Word.

26. In bed.

27. Public worship.

28. Parents.

29. Simple but palatable and attractive--a treat.

30. Children are not to play on Sabbath.

31. Out in the open.

32. Interesting, hailed, joy.

33. Reverence.

34. Sacred.

35. With parents.

36. They should be removed.

37. Reverence.

38. Heaven.

39. In the home.

40. In the church.

41. Church.

42. Home.

Answers to Section XIX

B. 1. Marshaling his host.

2. An overwhelming surprise.

3. Training of their children.

4. Religion.

5. Not one day--one hour.

6. Make laws of God plain and urge obedience to them.

7. Self-control and self-denial.

8. Their responsibilities as character builders.

9. The reason of the condemnation of the sinner.

10. (a) Startle the living; (b) wake the dead.

11. Neglect of parents.

12. Parents.

13. Pictures.

14. (a) Our words; (b) actions; (c) thoughts.

15. Curse of God.

16. Relinking.

17. Mothers'.

18. This vision of things unseen.

19. "Shall the voices of your children swell the song of gladness in that day?"

"The work of all parents is to train their children in the way of the Lord. This is not a matter that can be trifled with, or set aside, without incurring the displeasure of God. We are not called upon to decide what course others shall pursue, or how we may get on the most easily, but, What saith the Lord? Neither parents nor children can have peace or happiness or rest of spirit in any false path. But when the fear of God reigns in the heart, combined with love for Jesus, peace and joy will be felt."--Child Guidance, p. 67.

Study Guide Index