Ellen G. White® Books
and Pamphlets In Current Circulation
(With Date of First Publication)
Updated October 2018
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For a comprehensive list of all Ellen G. White publication titles, see Bibliography.
For a complete listing of abbreviations for Ellen G. White Books and Major
Church Papers, see Abbreviations.
- Acts of the Apostles, 1911. 633 pp. Lessons drawn from the experiences and writings of the apostles. Study guide available.
- The Adventist Home, 1952. 583 pp. Instruction relating to marriage, the home, and care and rearing of the family.
- Angels, 1995. 144 pp. Compilation of quotations on angels.
- A Call to Medical Evangelism, 1959. 48 pp. Counsels on ministry to those with medical needs.
- To Be Like Jesus, 2004. 383 pp. Devotional Book for 2005
- Beginning of the End, 2006. 384 pp. Condensation of Patriarchs and Prophets in today's language.
- A Call to Stand Apart, 2002. 120 pp. Counsels on issues faced by young adults.
- Child Guidance, 1954. 616 pp. Child care, training, and education.
- Christ in His Sanctury, 2009. 192 pp. Ellen White's writings on the investigative judgement.
- Christ Triumphant, 1999. 384 pp. Devotional book for 2000.
- Christ's Object Lessons, 1900. 436 pp. The parables of Jesus and their lessons.
- Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, 1922. 268 pp. Introduces the life and teachings of Ellen White.
- Christian Service, 1925. 283 pp. How individuals and churches can be more effective in Christian service and winning souls to Christ.
- Colporteur Ministry, 1953. 176 pp. A handbook for literature evangelists.
- Communion With God, 1964. 114 pp. A devotional guide focusing on prayer.
- Conflict and Courage, 1970. 381 pp. Devotional book for 1971.
- Confrontation, 1971. 93 pp. Ellen White's most complete treatment of Christ's temptation in the wilderness. Published as a series of articles in the Review and Herald in 1874 and 1875.
- Counsels for the Church, 1991. 462 pp. The best of Ellen White's instruction on Christian living, the home, health, and the coming conflict, brought together in one volume.
- Counsels on Diet and Foods, 1938. 511 pp. A reference book of Ellen White's counsels on how one's diet relates to healthful living.
- Counsels on Education, 1968. 312 pp. Twenty-six articles drawn from the nine volumes of the Testimonies.
- Counsels on Health, 1923. 697 pp. Counsels on diet, physical activity, sanitariums, physicians, nurses, and health principles.
- Counsels on Sabbath School Work, 1938. 192 pp. Topically arranged counsel for those involved in Sabbath School work.
- Counsels on Stewardship, 1940, 372 pp. Presents the philosophy and principles involved in the Christian's relationship to money and property.
- Counsels on Speech and Song, 2007. 496 pp. [Previously published under: The Voice in Speech and Song] Topics include effective methods of public speaking and singing as a part of worship.
- Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 1913. 575 pp. Counsels on higher education, home schools, church schools, study and labor, the teacher, recreation, etc.
- Counsels to Writers and Editors, 1946. 192 pp. Principles of Christian book and periodical editing.
- Country Living, 1946. 32 pp. Instruction on the advantages of a rural environment.
- Darkness Before Dawn, 1997. 62 pp. Information about where our world is headed.
- Daughters of God, 1998. 275 pp. Compilation of messages especially for women.
- The Desire of Ages, 1898. 866 pp. A presentation of the life and ministry of our Lord, with spiritual application for today.
- Early Writings, 1882. 266 pp. Ellen White's first book, initially published in 1851, 1854, and 1858.
- Education, 1903. 321 pp. Biblical principles of Christian education designed for parents and teachers.
- Ellen G. White 1888 Materials (4 vols.), 1988. 1,821 pp. Contains all of Ellen White's references to the 1888 Minneapolis Conference.
- Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts with Annotation, Vol. 1, 2014. 1024 pp. Ellen G. White's letters and manuscripts from 1847-1859.
- Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles, vol. 1, 1962. 576 pp. Ellen White articles published in the Review and Herald from 1849 to 1885.
- Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles, vol. 2. 624 pp. From 1886 to 1892.
- Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles, vol. 3. 636 pp. From 1893 to 1898.
- Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles, vol. 4. 590 pp. From 1899 to 1903.
- Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles, vol. 5. 572 pp. From 1904 to1 909.
- Ellen G. White Review and Herald Articles, vol. 6. 576 pp. From 1910 to 1915.
- Ellen G. White Youth's Instructor Articles, 1986. 640 pp. From 1852 to 1914.
- Evangelism, 1946. 747 pp. A handbook for personal and public evangelism.
- Faith and Works, 1979. 122 pp. Nineteen Ellen White sermons and articles on the subject of righteousness by faith.
- The Faith I Live By, 1958. 384 pp. Devotional book for 1959.
- Fundamentals of Christian Education, 1923. 576 pp. Seventy-four articles, arranged chronologically from 1872 to 1915.
- From the Heart, 2010. 377 pp. Devotional book for 2011.
- God Has a Home for You, 2016. 64 pp. [Also titled: Help in Daily Living].
- God Has Promised, 1982. 64 pp. A collection of Ellen White quotations for those who are lonely, discouraged, sick, etc.
- God is Listening, 2016. 64 pp. [Also titled: Help in Daily Living].
- God's Amazing Grace, 1973. 383 pp. Devotional book for 1974.
- God's Remnant Church, 1950. 63 pp. Counsel relevant to the life of the church.
- Gospel Workers, 1915. 534 pp. Covers the minister's qualifications, the minister in the pulpit, conference responsibilities, etc.
- The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, 1888, revised 1911. 678 pp. The conflict between Christ and Satan from the destruction of Jerusalem to the close of the millennium.
- The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached, 1955. 172 pp. From Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing.
- Happiness Digest. A 64-page illustrated edition of Steps to Christ. Study guide available.
- Happiness for Life, 2008. 64 pp. A sharing edition of Steps to Christ.
- Healing Prayer, 2002, 31 pp. Ellen White's writings on conditions of answered prayer.
- Heaven, 2003. 192 pp. Choice quotations about heaven and the new earth.
- In Heavenly Places, 1967. 382 pp. Devotional book for 1968.
- Help in Daily Living, 1964. 51 pp. From The Ministry of Healing.
- Homeward Bound, 2015. 400 pp. Devotional book for 2016.
- Humble Hero, 2008. 192 pp. Condensed edition of The Desire of Ages.
- Keys to Happiness, 2001. 63 pp. A Sharing Edition of Steps to Christ.
- Last Day Events, 1992. 330 pp. Instruction regarding the end time.
- Letters to Young Lovers, 1983. 94 pp. Letters to young people who are contemplating marriage.
- Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 1915. 480 pp. An autobiography of Ellen White's life to 1881. The sketch of her subsequent labors (pp 255-480) was prepared by C. C. Crisler.
- Lift Him Up, 1988. 382 pp. Devotional book for 1989.
- Living in the Sunlight, 2004. 80 pp. Selections from Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings.
- Love Under Fire, 2011. 288 pp. A condensed edition of The Great Controversy in today's language.
- Manuscript Releases, vols.1-21. Contains previously unpublished materials drawn from Ellen White's letters and manuscripts.
- Maranatha, 1976. 382 pp. Devotional book for 1977.
- Medical Ministry, 1932. 348 pp. Instruction for Christian physicians and SDA medical institutions.
- Messages to Young People, 1930. 502 pp. Selections to aid the youth in practical Christian living.
- Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1, 1978. 369 pp. A wide range of counsel on such topics as the Christian and psychology, self-respect, and human sexuality.
- Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2, 1978. 443 pp. Additional counsel on the relationship between body and mind, dangerous systems of therapy, and healthy personalities.
- The Ministry of Healing, 1905. 541pp. Instruction on the principles of healthful living, natural remedies, the care of the sick, positive Christian living, and ministering to others.
- The Ministry of Health and Healing, 2005. 304 pp. An adaptation of The Ministry of Healing in today's language.
- Ministry to the Cities, 2012. 224 pp. Counsel on bringing the gospel to the cities of the world
- My Life Today, 1952. 377 pp. Devotional book for 1953.
- Our High Calling, 1961. 380 pp. Devotional book for 1962.
- Pastoral Ministry, 2004. 288 pp. Counsel for pastors.
- Patriarchs and Prophets, 1890. 762 pp. Lessons from the Old Testament story beginning with Genesis and the creation to the close of David's reign.
- Peace Above the Storm, 1994. 98 pp. Devotional edition of Steps to Christ.
- Praise God in Song, 2007. 64 pp. The role of music in the church.
- Prayer, 2002. 320 pp. Topically arranged instruction on prayer.
- Principles for Christian Leaders, 2018. 322 pp. Counsels on the many aspects of Christian leadership.
- Praying for Others, 1997. 143 pp. A compilation of quotations on intercessory prayer.
- Promises for the Last Days, 1994. 155 pp. A collection of promises taken from over 40 Ellen White sources and divided into 37 areas.
- Prophets and Kings, 1917. 733 pp. Lessons from the Old Testament beginning with life of Solomon to the last prophetic book.
- The Publishing Ministry, 1983. 430 pp. Section titles include "Early History of the Publishing Work," "Perils Facing Publishing-House Leaders," "Counsels for Marketing Church Literature," etc.
- Real Peace, Real Answers, 2013. 192 pp. A sharing edition of Steps to Christ with Bible questions and answers.
- Reflecting Christ, 1985. 382 pp. Devotional book for 1986.
- The Retirement Years, 1990. 240 pp. A practical source of guidance to people of retirement years gleaned from letters, manuscripts, books, and periodical articles.
- Royalty and Ruin, 2007. 256 pp. Condesned edition of Prophets and Kings in today's language.
- The Sanctified Life, 1937. 110 pp. Articles originally published in the Review and Herald in 1881, and Christian living.
- Scripture Our Only Safeguard, 2012. 8 pp. A selection from Love Under Fire, reinforcing Jesus’ example for His followers to use the Bible as our only safeguard against the deceptive powers of evil
- Selected Messages, book 1, 1958. 448 pp. Instruction on a variety of subjects, including the inspiration of the prophetic writers, revival and reformation, the Alpha and the Omega, Christ our righteousness, etc.
- Selected Messages, book 2, 1958. 512 pp. Instruction on such topics as false prophets, secret societies, assurance to those facing death, the use of drugs, the military question, the future of the church, etc..
- Selected Messages, book 3, 1980. 510 pp. Includes instruction on how Ellen White's books were prepared, the proper age of school entrance, the dateline, the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference, and last day events.
- Sermons and Talks, vol. 1, 1990. 405 pp. Ellen White sermons drawn from previously unpublished manuscripts.
- Sermons and Talks, vol. 2, 1992. Forty-seven additional sermons delivered by Ellen White, including her last recorded sermon in 1913.
- Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol.7-A, 1970. 692 pp. All the Ellen White quotations included as supplementary material in the seven volumes of the SDA Bible Commentary, plus the Ellen White statements in Questions on Doctrine on Christ's nature, the Trinity, and the Atonement.
- Sketches From the Life of Paul, 1883. 334 pp. From "Saul the Persecutor," to "Martyrdom of Paul and Peter."
- Sons and Daughters of God, 1955. 383 pp. The 1956 devotional book.
- The Southern Work, 1966. 96 pp. Nine articles published in the Review and Herald in 1895 and 1896, plus excerpts from Ellen White letters, originally published to stir the church to fulfill its mission in reaching the former slaves living in the southern United States.
- Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. I, 1870. 414 pp. The Old Testament story from the fall of Satan and creation to the time of Solomon. Later expanded as Patriarchs and Prophets.
- Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. II, 1877. 396 pp. The life of Christ from His birth to the beginning of Passion Week. Later expanded as The Desire of Ages.
- Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. III, 1878. 442 pp. The life of Christ from the beginning of Passion Week to His ascension. Also the history of the church recorded in Acts 1-17. Later expanded as The Desire of Ages and Acts of the Apostles.
- Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. IV, 1884. 506 pp. The controversy between Christ and Satan from the destruction of Jerusalem to the close of the millennium. Later expanded as The Great Controversy.
- Spiritual Gifts, Vols. I and II, 1858 and 1860. 523 pp. Volume I is Ellen White's first account of the great controversy story, from the fall of Satan to the close of the millennium. Volume II is Ellen White' s autobiography to the year 1860.
- Spiritual Gifts, Vols. III and IV, 1864. 622 pp. Vol. III is the Old Testament narrative from Genesis 1 to Exodus 20. Volume IV-a covers the period from Sinai to Solomon and has an account of Ellen White's first health vision. Vol. IV-b contains her first ten testimonies, now all published in Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1.
- Steps to Christ, 1892. 126 pp. Ellen White's classic on the provisions of salvation and practical Christian living.
- Steps to Jesus, 1981. 125 pp. A simplified version of Steps to Christ, prepared for those whose mother tongue is not English.
- Story of Hope, 2006. 128 pp. A sharing book adapted from the Story of Redemption.
- The Story of Redemption, 1947. 445 pp. The great controversy story from the fall of Lucifer to the close of the millennium, compiled into one volume. Drawn from Spirit of Prophecy, Vols. I, III, and IV, Early Writings, and one periodical article.
- Temperance, 1949. 309 pp. Section titles are "The Philosophy of Intemperance," "Alcohol and Society," "Tobacco," "Rehabilitating the Intemperate," etc.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, 1885. 758 pp. Counsel from Ellen White containing spiritual guidance of a general nature and covering a wide variety of situations-including many letters written personally to members of the church. Volume 1 comprises Testimonies Numbers 1-14, written from 1855 to 1868, and a 100-page biographical sketch of the author.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, 1885. 764 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 15-20, written from 1868 to 1871.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, 1885, 627 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 21-25, written from 1872 to 1875.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, 1885. 731 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 26-30, written from 1876 to 1881.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, 1889. 826 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 31, 32, and 33, originally published in 1882, 1885, and 1889.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, 1900. 534 pp. Designated Testimony Number 34.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol.7, 1902. 337 pp. Designated Testimony Number 35. Includes a major section on the publishing work.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, 1904, 372 pp. Designated Testimony Number 36. Published to meet the false teachings of pantheism.
- Testimonies for the Church, vol .9, 1909, 325 pp. Designated Testimony Number 37.
- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce, 1989. 271 pp. Prepared especially for church administrators and other ministers who must deal with questionable or immoral conduct.
- Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 1923. 566 pp. Counsels initially published in pamphlets and periodical articles, particularly Special Testimonies, Series A (1892-1897) and Special Testimonies, Series B (1903-1913).
- That I May Know Him, 1964. 382 pp. The 1965 devotional book.
- This Day With God, 1979. 384 pp. The 1980 devotional book.
- True Education, 2000. 192 pp. An adaption of Education in today's language.
- Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 1896. 152 pp. Lessons Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount.
- True Revival, 2010. 96 pp. Ellen White's instruction on revival and reformation.
- The Truth About Angels, 1996. 314 pp. A compilation of Ellen White statements according to the Biblical sequence of events revealing angelic activity.
- Unlikely Leaders, 2010. 224 pp. Condensed edition of The Acts of the Apostles in today's language.
- The Upward Look, 1982. 383 pp. The 1983 devotional book.
- The Voice in Speech and Song, 1988. 480 pp. [See: Counsels of Speech and Song]
- Welfare Ministry, 1952. 349 pp. A handbook on neighborhood evangelism and practical Christian ministry in behalf of the unfortunate.
- A Word to the Little Flock, 1847. 30 pp. A reproduction of early articles by James and Ellen White.
- Ye Shall Receive Power, 1995. 382 pp. Devotional book for 1996.
Thought for the Day
However able and talented, however large our capacities, we are replenished with life from the Source of all life. - YI January 3, 1905